Reviews for Yang Xiao Long: Chasing Rose
Cun chapter 5 . 4/23/2018
Oh my Gosh I love Ruby XD in general I love your writing style. Yang is so much fun as well, here. Often times she comes off as kind of overpowered and too invincible, but it feels like there's a balance here. I love that Ruby got out on her own but still needs help after the fact. She's good! But allies are great!
Lord Darth Yoda chapter 5 . 10/7/2017
Glad to see Ruby alive and kicking the trick with the golem was great. Trying to figure out who Shepard is, I wanna say Watts but I'm not sure. Could be though. Salem would be the type who would want human sacrifice too. Looking forward to reading more!
Lord Darth Yoda chapter 4 . 10/7/2017
Poor Junior. He doesn't catch a break no matter what version he's in. Yang just really dislikes his clubs it seems.
equastar chapter 8 . 9/16/2017
OMG this is awesome, we don't get closure yet
Arkham Wyntier chapter 8 . 9/15/2017
Hahaha, Cardin, yeah, good one! are joking, right? RIGHT?!

But seriously, nice ending. Very heart warm. Feels much.
gordhanx chapter 9 . 9/15/2017
All right, the ending has come. Let's see how Yang's journey end. First of the preparation scene, was a lot of fun. It had a few funny moments from Ruby, and some nice interactions between the three. Onto the actual fighting itself, it was all kinds of fantastic. Their entrance was great, Yang & Ruby's interactions were a lot of fun, and just seeing the two sisters working together for the first time, was incredibly awesome. Plus it was great, seeing Yang fully activate her semblance for the first time. And while it was disappointing, we didn't see Qrow put a cap through the cultist' head, his moment with him was pretty cool. It was incredibly satisfying, seeing Ruby take down the Geist though. And the final battle, with the giant King Taijitu was really cool with both of the sisters, having their own badass moment taking it down. And with that, the mission complete and the family's fully reunited. I have to say, seeing Ruby and Tai reunite after all that has happened, was incredibly sweet to watch. Though, we do eventually get the scene of Tai finding out, about Yang's abilities. And he isn't too thrilled. Though neither is Yang, when she finds out about her…Great job, on the whole argument scene. It was very well handled, as neither side seemed to be completely in the right. Though it seems Yang's finally had enough and is ready to leave. With the way you ended this scene, I'm very much looking forward, to how the eventual reunion between Tai & Yang will be like. While Yang cool down & be more reasonable, will she still be resentful, will Tai be any different? There are a lot of possibilities here, and I defiantly look forward to seeing how you're going to wrap up, this rather bittersweet ending. Yang's final goodbye with Ruby, was wonderfully done. It was both sad, touching, heartwarming and overall bittersweet, as despite Ruby's pleas, Yang still needs to leave due to not knowing what to do you. I defiantly look forward to seeing, how you do that arc and where it'll leave to. Wille she go after Raven, or something completely different entirely. Regardless, I look forward to seeing what you have in store. As for the post credit scene, oh boy what an ending! Just seeing Qrow completely lose his shit, and unleash a verbal beat down on Raven, was both sad & fascinating to watch. Goes to show just how messed, the Rose/Taiyang/Branwen family is. Defiantly looking forward, to see how that'll go.

Overall, this was a really good story. Probably not as good as Ruby or Blake's origin, but good in it's own right. The introduction of Qrow and his interactions with Yang, was a lot of fun. Yang's story, while nowhere near as satisfying as Blake's was still well done in it's own right. The comedy, action and development was all really cool. Best of luck with your next story. Betting the Cardin title is just a joke, and it'll end with Weiss. That should be very interesting.
Matt22152 chapter 9 . 9/15/2017
I Thought so that was Raven
Matt22152 chapter 8 . 9/15/2017
Okay that was definitely emotional, but they definitely need each other, they both are each other's rock, Yang keeps Ruby alive, and Ruby keeps Yang's hope alive, and one more thing, why Cardin instead of Jaune?
gordhanx chapter 7 . 9/9/2017
We're approaching the end, and with the main goal reach, let's see what awaits us next. Once again, it was so sweet seeing the two sisters reunite. After all the hardships, they're finally together and able to let it all out. Plus, Ruby's moment with Qrow was absolutely adorable XD . And while the chips scene or the superpower reveal moment, could be a bit cheesy, I loved each one. It was just a nice moment of sweetness, after all the dark stuff that's happened. I defiantly can't wait, to see both Yang and Ruby in action. But after that, we got back to the serious stuff. I really liked, how you describe the Grimm and how some people might view them differently. It was a nice bit of world building, and a good explanation to why some people, view them as they do. Not to mention, why their not as known about as they usually are. We're also reminded, about the subplot of Yang trying to figure out, what she's going to do with her life. A bit sudden, but a welcome return. It seems that she has an idea on what to do, just not the drive to go through with it. Hopefully, that'll change by the end. Moving on from that, I highly doubt that Ruby's as calm, as she's claiming. While she might not show it yet, I'm sure we'll see cracks on her psyche later on down the road. But at least, Taiyang knows she's safe. And as Qrow tries to dissuade them from joining, we get the big reveal of his semblance. And considering the options, it kinda makes on his regard. But of course, they manage to convince him to bring them with. He might be pissed off, but it should be a lot of fun, to see the family fight together. I'm looking forward to it :D . Great chapter. Looking forward to seeing, what surprises the last one brings.
Hi chapter 7 . 9/8/2017
Surprised Ruby didn't call Yang out on the fact that she lied about having powers as well when Ruby discovered her own.
equastar chapter 7 . 9/8/2017
Aww, so ruby still dint know yang has been hiding her power all years
raizorshrp chapter 6 . 9/7/2017
just got caught up, read all the other stories first and now I'm here a day after starting the series and I still love it. you make a good comic book story out of the rwby world. I'm a massive comic need and I am seriously impressed keep up the good work!
equastar chapter 6 . 8/25/2017
au they finally met
gordhanx chapter 6 . 8/25/2017
All righty, we're reaching the climax. This should be very interesting. So to start with, good job portraying Yang after hearing about Ruby. At first, she's incredibly panic and scared for Ruby, as is to be expected. But slowly she calms down, and starts thinking somewhat rationally. A good sign, of some more levelheadedness. She of course, get's the info to Qrow and the two of them, immediately head of to rescue here. And while Qrow does take the opportunity, to have a laugh at Yang's expense, he did kind of deserve it and the scene following it, was pretty sweet in a bittersweet way. And after another bittersweet flashback of Yang comforting Ruby, after the death of Summer, they arrive at their destination. Good thing too, the crazy cult's caught up with Ruby. Once again it was good seeing her, even if it wasn't under the best circumstances. Her attempts to talk down the cultists, did provide some nice comedic moments to this rather heavy story. And thankfully, her attempts last long enough for help to arrive. And man, seeing Yang & Qrow taking down the cultists, after everything they've done to Ruby was SO damn satisfying. Oh, and we learn that Qrow has an Aura too, but we all knew that. And man, was that reunion so damn heartwarming! After all this time, for them to finally get together after all of their hardships…it was more than worth it. Fantastic chapter. Eagerly await the next one.
ZHsteven chapter 6 . 8/25/2017
I always love "Qrow: Certified Badass" and you've done a good job of representing him here.

I get the feeling Yang is gonna pay for Tanking all this damage though. If I've noticed anything in your writing it's that actions have consequences.
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