Reviews for My Fair Governess
augiesannie chapter 25 . 8/23
I know I haven't been a very faithful reviewer but I need to tell you how much I enjoyed this update - well paced, strong characterizations, vivid writing (that magical description of the arena!) It made me laugh (Sascha) and gave me tons of feels "just sing for me". An especially sweet and funny telling the children scene as a bonus. I really am so glad this story is still with us!
ladylouisa32 chapter 25 . 8/18
Thanks for the awesome update
andhereweare chapter 25 . 8/12
Somewhere in Vienna Elsa is probably spitting nails...

Once she finds out Georg's off the marriage market because of you-know-who she'll probably launch herself into low-earth orbit.

Wonder what Sascha Petrie would think if he got the chance to meet Sister Berthe.

Always happy to see a new chapter of this story.
Sabrina chapter 25 . 8/12
Acabei de ler essa história incrível e o que posso dizer é que é simplismente maravilhosa, muito obrigada por compartilhar conosco essa obra de arte. Estou muito mas muito ansiosa para o próximo capítulo...

Quando você irá publicar? Espero que seja logo...
29TvG chapter 25 . 8/11
After a horrible day, there's nothing better than to read a new update of your story.
Finally, the Salzburg Festival is here! I laughed when Sascha thought Maria was in danger because Georg was inside the dressing room with her. If only he knew!
Georg's timing is fabulous, though the best was when Maria told him she knew about the bet.
I loved the way you described Georg's complex personality and how he changes near Maria. He has a strong character, but he also has a tenderness side which only shows with Maria and the children. That big contrast is one of the things I love most about him.
I melted when Georg said to Maria "sing for me". It was beautiful. Poor Maria, she was suffering while singing in front of all those people! But, of course, she won the Festival prize!
The children were delighted with Georg's announcement (how could they not?), though they already knew. If it was a secret they couldn't hide it; their attraction is too strong.
If this chapter was a struggle to write, I didn't notice. As always, your writing was superb, and I enjoyed this update very very much. Thank you very much.
IDontKnowYourSignal chapter 25 . 8/10
This update was such a joy to read, I was so surprised to discover it was a troublesome chapter that you’d spent time wrangling with. It didn’t show at all. I finally had a chance to sit down to read, but my head was so cluttered and distracted after a day spent chasing numbers around the screen, calls from family I can’t visit, calls I should have made to friends, and a million and one other things. By the time I reached the fifth paragraph (and without even realising), your beautiful description of night falling over the festival arena just sucked me in, transporting me away from my day, straight into the magical world of TSOM. I was completely immersed. Thank you!
I’ve always loved your Max, and I love him even more after this chapter. Despite his reputation for exploiting talent, he has such a big, caring heart. I could picture him trying to keep the artists and their fragile egos and frayed nerves intact long enough for their performance. Loved the interaction with Sascha, especially his fear of the von Trapp only being trumped by his fear and loathing of their father! How brilliant that Sascha was trying to convince Max that they had to save Maria from the beastly von Trapp!
And your Georg... I adore the way he bristles, his abruptness, his sarcasm and how all this contrasts so starkly with the love and tenderness he saves for Maria and the children.
Oh, and of course, Maria wowed the crowd and won the Festival prize! How could she not?!
Georg announcing their engagement to the children was perfect - of course the children had worked it out long ago! It’s impossible to hide an electric attraction like Maria and Georg’s, especially from inquisitive children...
Wonderful, wonderful update! I for one, was happy to park thoughts of the Anschluss while the festival unfolded. Being swept up in your perfect story, losing myself in your gorgeous writing with all its brilliant layers, was just what I needed. Thank you!
Sara K M chapter 25 . 8/9
I like the way you show how easy to have so many different views of the same characters. Sascha believes Georg is arrogant, dark, and dangerous. (Which he can be.) Whereas Maria sees him as (mostly) sweet and playful. The reality is that Georg is all of those things, depending on the circumstances and the person he is interacting with.
And Sascha also believes Maria is a sweet woman who needs protecting from the "dangerous man." It's nice that he's trying to protect Maria, but we all know Maria can take care of herself with Georg...

On the other hand, Georg wants to protect Maria from Max and Sascha's "dishonorable intentions."... (which she already knew about)...
I love how Maria worries about Georg's reaction to his children singing at the festival, and it turned out it was a surprise for her, and Georg already knew about it! I had kind of expected them to suddenly need to "make their getaway" afterwards, (like in the movie), but it's sweet the way you wrote it, too.

I love how Maria wants to use her prize money for the Nonnberg orphanage. It's so in character for her to give it to needy children, especially as that was Nonnberg was her home for a long time. And of course, Max and Sascha are glad they don't have to pay for it themselves. :)
Windyandstormy chapter 25 . 8/9
I was so excited to see this update. Thank you
Ninigi chapter 25 . 8/9
It was a lovely chapter. I must admit that I dread what is in front of them. Will Maria or Georg be whisked away by the Third Reich tomorrow? I hope not. I really wish that they will have their lovely small wedding and will deal with the rest of the world after it. Hopefully no escape through the mountains will be needed.

Thank you for writing this chapter, it was lovely. I am looking forward to reading a new one.
his-red-head chapter 25 . 8/9
This was amazing! xx
Cassy chapter 24 . 6/24
OMG that was so good, please update soon and please don't kill the captain off.
gothicbutterfly95 chapter 24 . 6/13
Oh this was so sweet. Love Georg going off to look for Maria, and then them winding up kissing each other madly almost as soon as he finds her.
Everything with Frau Schmidt was perfect, from them being worried about how she'd caught them, to her calling Georg out, to being overjoyed and offerring congratulations when they revealed what was actually going on. Also really loved how if brought out Maria's worries about how she might not make a good Baroness.
Max's reaction to Georg around the flowers was brilliant, telling the plants themselves they've upset him, and Maria suggesting they go to the hospital was lovely.
The scene in the study where Maria tells Georg she'd been practising saying his name was beautiful.
And Eliza comes to see her backstage, and Maria tells her everything, both the good and the bad.
Love that the chapter ended with her saying the same things at her parents' graves.
reikosanmi chapter 24 . 6/6
I must of read this story about 3 times at least. It is seriously good. I hope the next chapter comes soon!
29TvG chapter 24 . 5/31
First of all, there are no words to describe how grateful and honoured I am. Your A/N touched me, thank you very much for those beautiful words.

I'm still worried about Georg. He seems too determined to stay in Austria, that I wonder if Maria can change her mind and make him leave the country with them when the Anschluss comes.
Well well, I think I need a cold shower! How embarrassed was Georg when Frau Schmidt found them kissing so passionately. I'm glad she gave her approval, and I also can understand why she was so horrified, who knows what she was thinking about them...
How jelous he was when he saw all those flowers! Max also loves to banter him, and I was worried about Georg's heart when Max started to read the quote from Goethe.
I loved to see Eliza back again and giving her the flowers from Georg. And the quote from Plato was beautiful!
Oh, poor Maria. It broke my heart when she burst into tears, though and least she has someone to share her worries about Georg and the Nazis.
Well, I can't wait to see what happens at the festival. As always, wonderful writing and superb update. You already know how much I love this TSOM and MFL crossover.
Thank you again, for the lovely surprise you gave me. You are a gem.
SchaMG chapter 24 . 5/30
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