Reviews for Decisions
DelfineNotPadfoot chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
And here is the moment that was mentioned in Jinxed hearts (or was it in "Friends to lovers"? I'm not sure now). Great spying skills (hum hum). It seems that Remus had it bad from even before we thought he did.
Red Candies chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Sorry that I didn't review sooner! Another great story, I love your writing so much I'll never get bored, especially when you write about my favourite couple! This was so great, thank you. I have no doubts about Remus having some secret thoughts about Tonks!
VlightPhase chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
I enjoyed this story immensely. I loved seeing the other end of the plotting and recruiting of Tonks and how impressed Remus was. I loved how Tonks was able to detect someone trailing her and foil him. I liked how Dung was dragged unwillingly into the measures and how Remus kept him on task. I enjoyed how Remus was trying to hide his attraction to Tonks from Sirius but his friend saw through it.
Thank you so much for the story.
Sarah1996 chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
This is absolutely brilliant! I love the characterisation :) Keep up the amazing work!