Reviews for Grounded
mrspencil chapter 13 . 21h
Nicely told, with lots of attention to domestic detail-:)
Icecat62 chapter 13 . 8/1
So glad you came back and removed this fic from limbo. Freddie got his moment in the sun, and Sherlock got to finally see just how rich a man he is with family and friends.
WayTooEasilyObsessed chapter 13 . 8/2
I quite like this Sherlock and they dynamic he has with his family. Molly rocks too!
Ennui Enigma chapter 13 . 8/2
I read this a few days ago but am just getting around to the review. Delightful story with a heartwarming wrap-up. You tied up this piece with satin ribbon and a shiny bow. I just loved how Molly knows her husband so well. So cute and charming!
elbafo chapter 13 . 7/30
What a beautiful and satisfying end to another wonderful story from you!

I LOVED how well Molly knows Sherlock and the wicked trick she pulled on him. Even more telling, was how far Sherlock has come, with him resignedly accepting the challenge to do Molly's bidding. Applause all round!

And a clever wrap-up of the case. At least Lestrade pieced it together with Sherlock steering him in the right direction. It's great that you kept the case there as the frame of your story, but it wasn't the main focus. Nice double meaning of the word "Grounded" to give your story a deeper meaning indicating Sherlock's internal growth, rather than just the external complication. Great news about Gavin and Marie. Kudos to Sherlock and Mycroft's influence!

All those loose ends cleverly tied up.

I chuckled at the Star Wars reference.

I'm so glad to see you writing again. I sorely missed your contribution to the fandom, and I'm looking forward to the next!
grobbebol chapter 12 . 7/28
wow, a "quick" one after the last update. *love the description of freddie's solo. Can picture it a little in my head*
Amelia93 chapter 13 . 7/29
Lovely. I do so enjoy this AU you’ve brilliantly created and look forward to reading more if and when ever you feel like adding to it. Thanks again for this story.
MizJoely chapter 13 . 7/29
I giggle-snorted so hard at the Star Wars quote! Brava, Molly! And Brava to you as well for this delightful end to a delightful story!
WayTooEasilyObsessed chapter 12 . 7/28
Thanks for the updates, I truly enjoy these stories.
I love that sherlock is coming to a realization, but I do hope he takes a moment and has the wherewithal to tell his kids about his pride in them
Ennui Enigma chapter 12 . 7/28
Great continuation... always worth the wait!
Your descriptions of the minutia set the scenes perfectly. It was a joy to picture Freddie's performance and Sherlock's response in my head as I read your lines. There's something about your comparisons, details, and word usage that places me right in the middle of the scenes! Beautiful!
elbafo chapter 12 . 7/27
"much anticipated day" - you're so right there! I'm glad we got to "see" Freddie's performance as well. How wonderful all their friends and family were there, too. What a gathering! But I'm wondering if William is feeling out of his element. In any case, I'm sure he'd be proud of his little brother, as well. And what an appearance by Freddie. I could just picture the family in the audience, all gob-smacked and mesmerised. Such a special occasion. I can see Violet wriggling in her seat, wanting to join her brother on stage. I got goosebumps at the audience rising to applaud him! I'm sure Sherlock's eyes were glistening, too! That was a fantastic description of Freddie's performance-so easy to picture. But, yes, probably best that Sherlock and Violet don't have to sit through the rest of the gala. Looking forward, in a bittersweet kind of way, to the final chapter. Thanks for the update!
Miggs chapter 12 . 7/27
Your series is one of the few reasons why I still know my FFnet password after all these years. I'll never let go of this little family of Sherlock and Molly's!
Amelia93 chapter 12 . 7/27
Great to see you’re continuing with this story. A pleasure to read. As always!
MizJoely chapter 12 . 7/27
I'm still second-hand dazzled by Freddie's performance. That description was just glorious! No wonder Sherlock is still stunned!
grobbebol chapter 11 . 5/15
i have your page always on my start up pages on the computer. Have started to read from the beginning again. Patiently waiting for the next chapter.
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