Reviews for Feelin' Blue, Seein' Red
EmotionalDreamer101 chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
Aww, that was really good, I love this! :D and I loved the Klance mixed in there, that was really cute!
Ikari StarKnight chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
Great story and character development. I like how you had the Red Lion basically get for entry. It was a nice touch. I hope you keep writing. I am following you now. Hope to read more some you soon.
Tidem chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
I loved it ! Personaly I think Pidge or Lance would be better as the black paladin ? Idk, Black is the head so his paladin has to be a smart leader with cold blood, who always thinks about his fellows paladins and everything. Red and Keith are "alone fighter" if you understand, they are used to fight alone and to take risky decisions... not good for a leader. Pidge is the smartest and she can take quick decisions but she sometimes is a little bit too insecure or quickly panicks when Shiro isn't there...Lance showed in some episodes that he is very supportive and can take decisions to help everybody like on Balmora where he was the only one who had a though about the planet... just my opinion i find it interesting to see people's different opinions! I found it very well-written and I too adore my insecure blue latino guy ! thanks for your one shot !
FlareBlitzer chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
Good story, I really liked Lance's development in this one.