Reviews for The Long Hustle: Vol 1, Welcome to the Jungle
Cody Furlong chapter 34 . 10h
Ok, while I enjoyed the plot of this story, it needs to be better written. There were countless issues that make me think that it wasn't proofed before being posted. I also think that the inclusion of the other Dismey characters was a bit too much.

It isn't that difficult to create your own characters that could have filled those spots in the story. Finally I felt like there was a lot more fallout, from Nick's arrest that you missed out on, that would have taken this story to the next level.
Jhunt883 chapter 1 . 9/26/2019
(I read this on mobile so I went to the computer to publish this review) but I just want to point out that later in this story you have nala and wolford respond to a '10-67' saying its a dead body, but if you actually looked up police radio codes you would know that a dead body is actually a 10-54.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/29/2019
Is that bandanna going to be a permenant thing for Nick now? It suits his new bodybuilder look, IMO...
Guest chapter 34 . 7/29/2019
Is it just me, or does that vixen seem to have her eyes on Nick...? ;
Guest chapter 33 . 7/29/2019
I expected Flynn to also say that his employer was impressed with Nick's bringing down Warden Pierce.
J Shute chapter 34 . 6/10/2019

So they still haven't revealed the truth!

Unless they do it early on in the next installment, then some heads really need a good slapping. Not telling him when he's in jail is one thing. Not telling him when he's out, free, and things can be arranged.

Finding out about Archer, when he's five...

Not good.

Real not good.
J Shute chapter 33 . 6/10/2019
Yikes. That was certainly a time skip and a half. I actually missed the later updates, likely due to them all coming in at the same time. (Tip for the future, fanfic doesn't show updates if they occur less than 24 hours after the last one (and if you don't see anything bumped ahead of it, you don't know)). So, short tip, warn before these super quick updates.

As for the chapter, things got cleared up pretty good in the Zoo. While I do think it's a missed opportunity to use his confinement to swap him out, I guess that keeping Nick with Flynn ensures a greater chance of success with the mission at hand.

Though, with his son and all that in the mix, there were certain other factors that may have weighed more importantly...

And he's got his in now. I guess he only stayed in a little longer than Flynn, maybe a month, two at most, all to keep up appearances. But out he comes now, and boy is he in for a shock.
TheSinfulDragonEmperor chapter 34 . 6/10/2019
Holy crap. this just got crazy.
Combat Engineer chapter 33 . 6/9/2019
Nick spent 2 years in prison undercover, while he was a newborn?
J Shute chapter 32 . 6/8/2019
Ooohhhh! Justice is given, and that was both an awesome reference and a great twist. Delivering the money was a nice bonus too, and I get the feeling that our wolf will be seeing a lot more of a certain she-wolf too.

As for Nick, it seems odd that he's just left there. I'd of thought that at least they'd get him out of the hole.

Hmmm. They may release him back to the general pop, where he'll be a living legend, or swap him out to a safehouse with him being in the hole as his cover. I think they'd be rather incompetent to let him spend the next twenty months or whatever in there.
Guest chapter 32 . 6/8/2019
I hope Judy, Nick, and ALL their friends see the warden's sentencing.
Guest chapter 31 . 5/20/2019
Where is Flynn? Is he alive?
J Shute chapter 31 . 5/19/2019
Good... good... Bad!

I know he snapped there, but Nick's going to regret not keeping his cool. At least he didn't get shot though... So better than nothing.

And Archer? Hmmm. Not my pick, I'd say that even Logan would be far better...

And what now? Nick's still got months left in his sentence, and I think him spending all that time in the hole could easily break him further. Add on all he's been through so far, and learning the truth after all that, and a full breakdown is imaginable.

Then again, Wolford would know if Nick is getting such a treatment, and if he's got any sense in him he'd suggest the old switcheroo thing with Bogo. As far as most mammals know he's in solitary, but he's secretly in a safe house with Judy.
TheSinfulDragonEmperor chapter 30 . 5/18/2019
REVENGE... And if not that... WORLD DOMINATION.
J Shute chapter 30 . 5/18/2019
The second he was written up as holding onto that fence I feared that that might happen.

But damn... Still hurt.

I wonder if Nick will try and stay in contact with Logan, being an adoptive father figure... He might end up doing it out of spite, depending how badly his learning of the truth goes down.
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