Reviews for Our Lives
FreyjaBee chapter 1 . 12/11/2017
Who doesn’t want a man that’s capable of being in two places at once?
Sabastu chapter 7 . 9/20/2017
Jellal is so lovely! I laugh because of his reaction about the white hair. XDD I love the dialogues, pretty tender.

.((It would take another few years for Jellal to realize that the scarlet he loved would always remain because his and Erza's child had inherited the color of their mother's hair.)) THIS! That was a hit directly to my feelings! QwQ

Thanks 4 writing!
Tropicallight chapter 7 . 8/5/2017
Aw! That was so sweet!
wordslinger chapter 6 . 7/3/2017
I'm torn between wanting Jellal back on the council and wanting him to take a five year vacation lol. I am HERE for a private entrance into a guest room where he and Erza can have private rendezvous. Yes. I loved this and I'm happy he didn't ruin the dress ;)
Sabastu chapter 6 . 6/30/2017
Nice way to use the prompt. My favorite part was when he was looking for her. *w*

Thanks 4 writing!
Sabastu chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
It had cute dialogues. My fav part was how Erza was worry about Jellal interest, and how he knows she deeply cares about him and tries to find out those interest because of her but also because he's starting to think that he deserves that. QwQ

Hope I explain myself correctly. xD

Nice use of the prompt, I battle with that one too. xDD

Thanks 4 writing!
wordslinger chapter 5 . 6/16/2017
This is a thing that makes me the saddest about Jellal. He's never really had the chance to do what he really wants. Does he even know what he really wants? Hopefully he can have a nice long retirement to figure it all out. I enjoyed reading about them getting to know one another. It was super cute :)
wordslinger chapter 4 . 6/11/2017
I love this. It's a real thing women experience after pregnancy and I think in this instance we are allowed the perfect fantasy man who wouldn't care.
wordslinger chapter 3 . 6/11/2017
I really appreciated the lines about Jellal being his own savior. I think that's a thing he needs to hear, especially from Erza. Beautiful!
Sabastu chapter 4 . 6/8/2017
((But she respected him and never urged him to be quicker. If he wanted to take the time he finally allowed himself to have with her,)) I totally love this part. QwQ

((She didn't know how he could be both rough and gentle at the same time, but she knew she loved both of his ways in touching her.)) 'cause he's the best husbando. 7w7r

((Even without looking at his face, she knew he was smiling like an idiot.)) I only wish for them this. To live together, smiling like idiots in love. QwQ

((He bent forward to place a lingering kiss above her bellybutton after lifting her legs up from the bed to wrap them around his wrist. )) Such a gentlemen! Btw, i'ts 'wrist' correct? xD My imagination fails there. It's not neck? Idk. xDD Maybe is my bad english. xD

((When he touched her, despite of the sins he held in his hands, he felt love.)) Erza's happyness is your redemption. QwQ

Another precious piece.

Thanks 4 writing!
Sabastu chapter 3 . 6/7/2017
(("Erza." There was a delightness in his tone when the person said her name.)) ASDASD I love how he always appeared when she's in trouble. *-*

(("I'm looking for you." Jellal answered while taking off his hooded cloak to wrap it around Erza.)) HE WAS LOOKING FOR HER! *screams in spanish* And My Gosh! Jellal giving his cloack/coat to Erza is one of my favs headcanon.

((then Jellal took the scarf, however, he wasn't using it to soak up the droplets dripping from his hair and running down his face, but to dry her hair.)) He is such a perfect husbando. *w*

((It seemed that she was always unable to decline Jellal's offer to take care of her.)) Of course, my strawberry pie. QwQ You love to be love by him.

((The word "fine" stuck in her mouth when Jellal took her hand in his)) *doki doki*

(("I have a proposal to make, Erza.)) MARRY ME!? BE THE MOTHER OF CHILDS!? IT IS THAT, RIGHT!? RIGHT!? ;A;)9

It wasn't. I knew it. But, a fangirl can dream, right?


((Being unable to resist the urge to kiss her, Jellal caught Erza by her wrist to pull her hand to his mouth.)) My, my... my, my...

Love how he cares so deeply for her. And she for him. QwQ FT disbandment is my fav part in canon because allows me to imagine/write and/read the both of them been together in a lot of adventures. QwQ

Place them at a church was perfect for the context.

Thanks for writing!
wordslinger chapter 2 . 6/6/2017
Jellal is such a cheeseball. I feel like he'll only get worse when he's allowed to be where he wants. I love the idea of all the things they get to do now that he's not a vagabond (I believe he'll be pardoned). Very nice!
wordslinger chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
I really love the concept of Jellal back on the council. It's a favorite headcanon of mine. There's not a lot of people alive who are qualified (and let's be real Gildarts isn't gonna ever want that responsibility). I never really considered Jellal using his thought projection, though! Love this!
Sabastu chapter 2 . 6/6/2017
The way they enjoy their time together is so pure and full of love.

((Jellal always left her before the sun showed its face in the sky after spending a night with her.)) QwQ My heart...

What a beautiful way of propose! *w*

((A relieved and joyous grin illuminated Jellal's face in a way not even the brilliant sunlight could do.)) MY FAV PART! QwQ

Beautiful! Thanks 4 writing!
Sabastu chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
God bless Jerza Week 'cause allows me to read this beautiful things! \QwQ/

I was so stupidly happy when Jellal says that he uses his thougt projection to work because he wanted to pick the cake by himself. \*w*/ My heart is so happy. Love the gentle way he wakes her up. Love how he prefers a happy Erza than the magic world peace. xD

And Erza was so cute too! QwQ

My day is brighter because they are happy together. :D
xD I'm so Jerza trash...

Thank you 4 writing!