Reviews for Horizon
AquaEclipse chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
Wow. Tryin' to drown? I really dunno what to say about this, sweets.
Spagna Conquistador chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
... oh my fucking god I love and hate this fic so much. Love it for the FrUK and the beautiful descriptions, hate it for the angst.
sasunaru13 chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
Excuse youuuu hha. I rly don't expect angst and I kinda miss the major chara death warning so hhh this is deliciously heart breaking! If it's not for that warning I could fool myself that maybe Ivan didn't die and rescued by Francis/Arthur/ maybe even Alfred and then they reconcile etc2, but that'll be too cliche and naive I think sobs. But this is kinda beautifully tragic since it kinda similar with the original mermaid tale (at least it's not explicit if Alfred left Ivan for somebody else or just bc of their incompatibility). Anw, this is very well written! Next I shall bathe myself with the fluff with the Love series written by you ahaha
GMoriell chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
Ow, so sad...
But still thank you for the beautiful story. Hopefully, at least Arthur and Fransis will be alright.
Ellawritesficssometimes chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
Well that sure took a turn for the worse. Regardless, this was a very neat concept to read. Although, I would have liked to get a bit more insight on Alfred and Ivan's relationship :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
You are seriously making me cry right now. I can't believe what a jerk Alfred is. Like, i get it, but still. Poor Ivan.
Bossgodora chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
I loved the concept and this was a fun read. if there is ever a sequel where the story is expanded upon, I will definitely read it.
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
Well that is depressing
BlackBloodyHeart chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Russia, baby, Nooo!