Reviews for Take Your Time
Guest chapter 9 . 5/4/2019
FlygonNick chapter 9 . 9/24/2018
Currently playing through Persona V and I'm also a big Joker/Ann shipper. I'd love to see more of this, because it's really well-done.

RedVelvetKitty chapter 9 . 1/17/2018
I really like your take on the dynamic between Akira (or Ren) and Ann in the events in Persona 5–it’s definitely one of my most favorites as of far. I really wish I could find more awesome fanfiction of this pairing in the fandom. They really are a cute and complementing pair. Too bad many fans of the game feel otherwise :(

It seems that it has been a while since you updated this—so I’m not sure if you’ll continue it or not. But I really hope you’ll return and finish it someday, because I truly enjoy and adore it. We really need some more awesome AkirAnn/RenAnn love in the Persona 5 fandom.

Until then,
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
I’ve reread this story so many times now and I just love it so much! I reeeaaaaaalllllyyyyy hope that you update soon!
Guest chapter 9 . 8/7/2017
Please update soon!
I love this story
Frey chapter 9 . 8/2/2017
I hope you didn't discontinued this since i really love it so much! Your portrayal of akira is one of my favorite!
Guest chapter 9 . 7/19/2017
Hey man hope you update soon! I really like your take on the dynamic. Keep up the food work.
ultra-haru16 chapter 9 . 7/10/2017
This is such a cute story, and I love your portrayal of Ann and AkiraThem and their interactions feels really natural, and exactly how I felt they would've acted. AkirAnn is OTP to me from the game because of how sincere they both acted with one another, and to be honest I couldn't stand Makoto until sometime between the 4th and 5th palaces. I'm anxious to read more, and thanks for making it well typed, focused and interesting all in one!
Akirann fans chapter 9 . 7/9/2017
i already read this all day and i really amaze how well your characterization of akira and other characters are. Akira's personality really fit with how i usually view him, calm, lively, and funny, especially in kawakami maid scene, omg that makes me laugh so much. Based on his answer choices in the game, i know he's kind of dorky person lol. And Ann jealousy was pretty cute, i want to know what's her thinking when makoto following akira to their secret base heheh

Please update soon!
Guest chapter 9 . 7/6/2017
Hi I just want to say I read your story in an entire day and absolutely love it! I really like how you portray each character so well and how Ann's and Akira's relationship. I hope you continue to update!
TheGamer58 chapter 9 . 6/30/2017
I really fucking love this story T_T
The way you write and add some stuff that wasn't in the game really fits, heck I would love this to be like the main story of the game if you're going for the "Ann Route" haha
Can't wait for the next one hahaha keep it up :D oh and thanks for the update haha
maelstrom969 chapter 9 . 6/30/2017
Love the Sojiro dynamic. The back and forth feels natural and it really brings out Akira's charm. It's stories like these that makes me wish the MC's were characters of their own in the games.

Also it's funny to see Ann on the offensive. She's subconsciously laying down groundwork already :D
The glasses was a particularly nice touch.

Keep it up, can't wait for more!
rebfan90 chapter 9 . 6/30/2017
great chapter!
Gravenimage chapter 9 . 6/30/2017
I think it was great how Akira trusted Ann about his glasses this deepens their bond. After trusting her with his secret I doubt she will be getting jealous over him and Kawakami. Also you should check Phantom Startdust redux I don't remember the author's name but it's an awesome slow burn Akira/Ann story you should read it.
masollan chapter 9 . 6/30/2017
Hey there, it's me again! Welp, you already know how I feel about your writing, and nothing changes from there on. I already tried a hand on the hot pot party scene; you and I may have different versions, but this one is good too! Always thought this scene was so Ann-centric, but I like the bit of downplay here, and the scene where Akira walks Ann home was very lovely... I'm such a sucker for these two and your writing just makes me love them more.


"All that he could perceive in the darkness were eyes tinted by a tropical ocean." You just made my day with this line. :')
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