Reviews for I'll Protect You No Matter What(Pokémon ver)
multiyman37 chapter 2 . 7/16
I feel as if a Pokemon and digimon version of your stories are pointless since literally they impact nothing it just feels like your normal kingdom hearts fanfic with Pokemon and digimon shoe horned in like nothing is different about anything and sure maybe from the Pokemon one I could understand if every world just so happened to have Pokemon (which is not how the multiverse works) but digimon are from another world entirely so that kinda screws up with the world order of kingdom hearts I’m not mad at this I’m just disappointed
The Queen of Water chapter 25 . 6/11/2017
I like this story
Keep updating
Amalia Ignisa chapter 15 . 5/24/2017
This really take me back when i first read story without pokémon version.
Amalia Ignisa chapter 16 . 5/24/2017
It's nice to see that you work same as the original, still I prefer KH story alone without all of this crossover you see.
I'm not saying this is not as great, trust me, i love it. But I'm kinda like a KH fan, so basically I prefer having KH alone.