Reviews for The Little Merbunny
Birks chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
That's really beautiful how the zootopia characters play the original characters from the Disney The Little Mermaid.
How it still kept Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle as themselves.
Max as the sailor sheepdog and Nick's best friend it's really cool.
Including the honey badger as the sea witch Ursula.
I pictured Judy Hopps as a beautiful graceful merbunny and Nick Wilde as a fearless daring sailor prince.
JackieTheFox chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
Great story!
LordSheogorath123 chapter 9 . 8/2/2017
Well I left my review on the original post but just in case I missed some things I'm gonna leave something here too.

The fanfic was a delight to read from beginning to end, the blending of Nick and Judy into the characters or Eric and Ariel was great and it was because you added part of the the original characters into the mix rather than just altering it a bit so it actually feels like we have Nick and Judy in the story playing those characters which is great, same goes for how the events happen or how the dialogue plays a part because you didn't just grabbed the movie and copied the dialogues of events which is what many people do, you actually went over and added your own version of events which gave the story a different and better perspective which made segments like the tour on town, Judy's discussions with her father (possibly my favourite thing in the story for how you adaptated the whole fish eater thing here) and the final battle very entertaining.

The humor was enjoyable, particularly on "Kiss the bunny" where you actually had Nick call Judy carrots but also on Nick's birthday where they talk about his marriage problems and gets to call the princess of Arendelle (Elsa? I mean I guess but since she's supposed to be queen and Anna is the princess then I don't know) and calling her an ice queen.

The expanded role of characters was good, for instance, Grimbsy being like a father figure to Nick (He states he practically raised him) makes me want to imagine what his childhood and relation to him might have been like at that time. Whenever I though of Judy as Ariel I actually liked to imagine her sisters as merbunnies too and the whole "Judy's in love" segments was one I could totally picture between them. Ursula as a honey badger (she even looks like one) was great, while she pretty much remains the same character I still liked the alterations you did, such as in the poor unfortunate souls segments or when she's dealing with both Nick and Judy. I quite liked Triton here because of how I imagined Stu playing him in the AU, giving his daughter advice on how it's better to remain with her family and how her dream is dangerous due to the surface predators. Max by far is my favourite because of how his role as character was expanded now that he's an anthro and a close friend to Nick and how he tries to help Judy. Really, no recast was requiered except for Judy and Nick, all the others I mentioned were well there.

Overall, I believe this parody is really well written, with it's well balanced mix between characters, good action, good humor and romance. The Zootopia Little Mermaid AU is my second favourite next to the Anastasia AU so this takes a special place on my heart and I thank you having done it. I hope to hear from you soon again, whether story you do I will follow it.
spideroos chapter 9 . 8/1/2017
I already left my thoughts on tumblr but oh well I'll say it again. Absolutely loved this fic it's my baby along with Harecules
InTheLionsDenOnDA chapter 9 . 8/1/2017
There we go, a proper fairy tale ending. It was fun reading the story retold with our favorite bun and her fox. Thank you.
InTheLionsDenOnDA chapter 8 . 8/1/2017
Exciting battle and well described. The changes to account for the mammals instead of humans continues to work well.
InTheLionsDenOnDA chapter 7 . 7/21/2017
It almost was a wedding to remember but Nick was rescued in the nick of time by his love and her friends. Big cliff-hanger ending to the chapter and it looks like the big climax is coming soon. Looking forward to it. Your adaptation has been a joy to follow.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/19/2017
A rather impressive parody so far! It has the one thing that is crucial to any parody's success or ultimate lack thereof: A willingness to give your own flavor to the source material with respect. In that sense, the focus on different physical details, additional scenes and conversations to flesh out a more unique psychology, but following the same dramatic beats is a complete success. Indeed, I'd go so far as to say that I haven't seen any creative decisions that I've really disagreed with yet. One of my favorite choices so far has been the slightly expanded role for Grimsby and his teaching moments.

I'm split in two minds about your readapting the songs into pure exposition: On the one hand, they're generally fun songs and add something to the tension. On the other hand, this is a purer showcase of writing skill, and you pull off most of them very impressively. I especially enjoyed the reimagined Le Poissons and Kiss the Girl sequences. (The former, I must add, you do an excellent job of describing the campy physical mayhem of Louis' kitchen, adding your own details and emphases along the way, another one of my favorites). With Kiss the Bunny, I like the zoomed in quality to what's going on physically in the scene and the reactions of the characters.

That sort of feeds into my hopes for the next chapter. One of your less successful adaptations so far, not objectively necessarily, but to me, was the Poor Unfortunate Souls sequence. In that case, the song itself plays up on Ursula's sort of vampy character, and you've underplayed that so far. But moving ahead into her brief arc as Vanessa is going to have an opportunity to bring that side of her out more in general, something I hope to see. I've always thought of the Vanessa plot line to be one of the most dramatic and entertaining parts of the film, and with your eye for adding your own details and emphases to the characters and what's happening around (or to) them, I'm naturally hoping that you'll add some more of that descriptive richness to this tensest and most dramatic of plots.

Looking forward greatly to the next chapter!
LordSheogorath123 chapter 7 . 7/21/2017
That was a pleasurable reading for sure, I love how the events are turning out and the descriptions are gorgeous.

I also really like how you put Judy trying to get to the ship, it was amazing and helps the blend of both characters, oh but in terms of feeling out of character don't worry about it much, I once read a fanfic called "Out of the sea" which was the little mermaid with HTTYD character where Stoick was not the chief of berk and hated vikings and Astrid was looking for a dream man (both of which are way out of character) but still played out really well, it's an AU so don't worry to much, still I'm glad you did changed the events a bit, makes it more unpredictable which is part of your style.

Judy is a Merbunny again it would seem, things are about to get violent.
spideroos chapter 7 . 7/21/2017
Jasif chapter 1 . 7/14/2017
Love it. I love how you did this crossover it fits so well.

Also I find the idea of merfolk afraid of being eaten so disturbingly clever.
ShadowRaven27 chapter 6 . 7/11/2017
This story is great and I like the small changes here and there. I'm excited and anxious to see what's next! Two thumbs up for this story so far and im just lovin' it. Great job!
spideroos chapter 6 . 7/3/2017
This was really cute !
Momotaro45 chapter 5 . 6/20/2017
This is great. Poor sebastian, almost gets cooked by Louis the racoon, let's just hope he doesn't try to eat Judy later. I really like how Max now fits into this world, was rather unexpected but you made it really well. Another thing that i really like was the contract part, Judy and Ariel may not be used to do contract, they may be naive but not stupid so there's no doubt they would read the contract.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/20/2017
Great chapter, once again, the characters from Zootopia feel as they are incarnating a certain character from The Little Mermaid, specially at the banquet scene where Nick feels like he is himself being himself with his charming yet somewhat condescending behaviour, also I mentioned before but Grim somewhat feels like Mr. Big here.

Also Judy looking into the ocean and lamenting the mermammals there was a brilliant description, could definetly see her doing the same thing about all those bunnies trapped with being simple farmers unlike her while also feeling homesick.

Gotta love les poissons segment indeed, I used to get hungry whenever I saw that. Gods I hope that once Judy becomes a merbunny again he doesn't try to eat her tail, I mean the predator and prey thing from Zootopia could apply to both Les Poissons and Under the Sea, I mean talking about eating and hunting esentially.
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