Reviews for Falling into Darkness
Cherry20052 chapter 7 . 9/27
Very intriguing. This can go so many ways. So far it seems like Harry is falling in too quickly. I wonder if the little bit of information he found is something he can/will use to get a better glimpse at Tom during their sessions.

Dumbledore throwing in that Tom murdered his parents makes me wonder what his endgame is. I don't think it will serve as the push to keep Tom and Harry growing closer and he has to have realized that could be the case.
Yelling Cupcake chapter 7 . 9/4
Why do I have a feeling that Tom isn't the actual murderer of Harry's parents in this story? Of course, it might just be my suspicion of all things Dumbledore related *rolls eyes*.
Thank you so much for updating this story!
introvert.09 chapter 6 . 7/2
Thank you for the update ️
Yelling Cupcake chapter 6 . 7/1
Thank you so much for updating! I am so glad I decided to check if the story was updated today and I think the cellmate would either be Sirius or Remus.
elleay sahbel chapter 6 . 6/30
Sirius Black the cellmate? ;)
elleay sahbel chapter 5 . 6/30
Ouuuh this is so good !
I really am looking forward to reading the next chapters!

Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Have a nice day!
Yelling Cupcake chapter 5 . 6/30
Oh gosh, THANK YOU SO MUCH for updating this story! I read it on Wattpad and I wa really fascinated by it and was disappointed when I saw that it was last updated a year ago. I was having a bad day, thank you so much for making it better.
mariyah.ahsan chapter 3 . 6/19
I am hooked the way you are going with Tom. Its true that he is complicated. But that is also exciting, isn’t it?
Mew Siul chapter 1 . 5/20
Tom is quite obviously a Expy of the Joker.
xXAnonymous01Xx chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
I love this idea! I'm excited for new updates(?) I haven't read a Joker/Harley Quinn AU with Tomarry.
malaikabrooks9 chapter 1 . 11/2/2018
I loved this
NinjaDai chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
More please?
spittingllama7856 chapter 1 . 4/24/2018
It's not horrible, I really enjoyed this! You think it's missing something? hmm... *thinks for a moment* Well, I'll get back to you on that after I write this review because I'm BURNING with the need to.

*squeals* Love the way you write them. The dynamics of the characters, how Tom was able to read Harry so easily... the "Call me Tom." Eeeeee! I adore it, especially the fascination they have with each other, like yes. Gimme more of that, please! *makes grabby-hands* xD Oh, also, I really like Harry in this. The professional route he took was awesome~

hmm, so as to what you think is missing, I'm not sure. The only thing that felt incomplete was Tom's thoughts near the end... other than that, I can't tell!
daniela.beadles.earle chapter 1 . 3/28/2018
Please update soon it was a interesting introduction
Krystal chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
It is good, honestly. The only thing I can even think of at the moment that could be improved is expounding upon why Tom finds Harry fascinating as it seems almost rushed. In my opinion, even that is good as is though.
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