Reviews for The Uprising
Master of the Boot chapter 6 . 4/14/2018
A fun chapter and it’s good to see Chell use a real gun
Master of the Boot chapter 5 . 3/27/2018
I enjoyed this one. It’s nice to give Gordon a voice. The silent protagonist is good for games. I like this better
Master of the Boot chapter 4 . 3/26/2018
Another excellent chapter, Gman is moving his pieces across the board and I can’t wait for more
Master of the Boot chapter 3 . 3/26/2018
Portal was my first entry into valve, and chel has always been a personal favorite for video game characters to me. I’m enjoying this tremendously and I look forward to more
Master of the Boot chapter 2 . 3/26/2018
This was a good one. Short and sad, I feel the loss of Gordon in these people’s lives. They’re as alive and dynamic as they were in the games
Master of the Boot chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
Hey there. New fan to half life, life long reader of fanfics. Yours has grabbed me from her first chapter. I like Chase thus far and I can’t wait to see how he fits in with the crazy world of valve
Sgt. Pickles 3 chapter 28 . 12/3/2017
Where is the next chapter!? D:
i wanted moar! and i want to see moar of Chase and Chell!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
Pfff. Go suck some hard candy, kid. This sucks major ass
Jee Zed of Mars chapter 3 . 8/1/2017
Ooh the Gman!
imnotraven16 chapter 8 . 5/30/2017
awesome chapter