Reviews for Courting Gilbert
Vids chapter 25 . 7/25
This is so beautiful! Pls pls I'm begging you tk write more.. Pls pls pls.. I know this review is really late but your books make as much difference in people's life as anne's short stories did.. Pls pls pls wrote more about anne and gil .. Your soooo talented ️
Denie1943 chapter 25 . 7/6
This is, without doubt, the best story and the best written story I have found after reading every complete story I can find on Fanfiction. Thanks for sharing! I will dream of a sequel...
Denie1943 chapter 24 . 7/6
Great! Thanks for sharing! Stay well...
Denie1943 chapter 20 . 7/6
A fantastic chapter and your writing is superb. Thanks for sharing! I can only hope your creativity will allow A&G to see how this new income will pave the way for an earlier wedding. It just feels right. Please stay well...
Ds chapter 8 . 5/5
She heard crickets in December/January?
Peps chapter 25 . 2/21
Magnifique... Bravo
SweetestDisarray chapter 25 . 12/5/2019
I have adored and devoured this story! Thank you so much for sharing the culmination of such hard work.
netherfield2000 chapter 25 . 11/4/2019
Lovely story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Shootingstar7123 chapter 25 . 7/16/2019
This is a very sweet story!
Guest chapter 25 . 6/3/2019
Just finished my second or third time reading this story and I adore it. (I don’t remember if I reviewed before.) You have done an amazing job plotting a really excellent story. And the characterizations of Anne and Gilbert are marvelous. Their “talks” are sweet (without getting sappy) but yet real and honest. I loved the way you incorporated Ruby’s death as an impetus for Anne to be brave with her manuscript. And the conversation that Gil and his dad have about marriage and Anne supporting them is so very well done. Kudos to you for all the effort that went into this. I really hope to see more from you!
leilalolalee chapter 25 . 5/24/2019
What an incredible story! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Aoggfan chapter 25 . 2/22/2019
Once again, I read the entire story at one go. That Proposal was EPIC. Thank you for another beautiful fix. It just filled my heart!
DrinkThemIn chapter 6 . 2/19/2019
Did you know, dear Lizzy, that this scene (the silent apology) is amongst my favourites here in Anne fic-land? I actively seek it out atleast once every couple of weeks. I just love it so much.

I wish you would publish another story. I, for one, will never tire of Anne and Gilbert...and you do it SO well!
MoonyPK chapter 25 . 2/2/2019
second time reading this story, I completely loved it again
Maddy1014 chapter 25 . 9/26/2018
Love this story! I love how you made Anne an author so young and allowed her to support Gilbert through his dreams! You have such talent! I would LOVE to read a sequel! I can already picture their kids called the professor ‘grampa Thomas’! Thank you for this story!
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