Reviews for Quahogs new resident
Khy Dragon chapter 2 . 7/29
We're still waiting, but don't worry...we're patient people, dude. See ya next time!
StrongGuy159 chapter 10 . 7/25
Awesome story continue please.
Jojotheshadow chapter 10 . 7/14
I wonder how you going to make peter group downfall be like.

I could already see stan losing his job and worst afterwards.
Re Lovely Lover chapter 3 . 6/3
So is anything happening with this story? If so I hope the futa thing going on with the others doesnt migrate over.
Placeboo chapter 10 . 5/16

He has so many siblings because there parents wanted a monopoly but didn't wanna go to jail so the made each kid for a different businesses
lonetigar20 chapter 10 . 4/18
Awesome can't wait for more :)
Gucci Mane LaFlare chapter 10 . 4/3
Add Sarah in and have fuck the younger girls.
Khy Dragon chapter 10 . 3/21
Take care
maxbrevan chapter 10 . 3/22
nice chapter,happy to see an update, keep up the good work
Ocharem chapter 10 . 3/20
Hey how about you make Sean have power to duplicate himself
quangnguyentran720 chapter 10 . 3/20
Can you updates the last spartan
AnimeGoji91 chapter 10 . 3/19
Nice story I what those assholes face and Joe and Cleveland no they cool, they care about they town and also they respect Sean too and please continues this story please!?
william.bragg.165 chapter 10 . 3/19
Cant wait for your next update
Stratos263 chapter 10 . 3/19
Well peter is screwed
mpowers045 chapter 10 . 3/19
Nicely done
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