Reviews for The Man in the Diary
TrustNoOneYouCant chapter 11 . 8/5
It's amazing ! I am loving this fiction, such wonderful and ideas, with Riddle trying to keep him safe and Sirius is so conflicted and Harry trying to survive, I love it all!

Hope you are alright, can't wait for another chapter!
AlternateInverse chapter 11 . 7/4
This. This. I discovered this today and I just HAD to finish it. It's now 5am where I am but I couldn't stop reading ;w; Please don't abandon this story, I love it soooo much!
narci chapter 11 . 5/20
Hello there!
I really enjoyed reading your story, there are not so many good ones where Tom is separated from Voldemort in the same reality, especially when they are so different. Your plot makes it interesting as well, and your writing style makes it pleasant to read.
Well, I only hope that you will be able to continue the story and finish it one day. I'm really worried now with what was reviled with Ginny and the diary, to my it is a clear indication that Tom is still tied to that diary and depends on it, he is not fully anchored to the real world. And Ginny basically exists in settings created to contain Tom, otherwise I imagine her reality would have been different. I'm glad you kept this loophole for Harry to get rid of his guilt.
Stay safe and please continue:)
Ray chapter 11 . 4/19
Riddle?! Lol What a sly dog Dumbledore is and wonderful chapter this deserves thousands of reviews but I can only hope you know that and that you continue this marvelous story.
KingDill chapter 10 . 4/16
I was so excited to see this work had been updated, getting another chance to reread this amazing story with some more chapters really made my day. I have read thousands of stories on this site and this is definitely a rare gem. You are a very talented writer and I eagerly await your next post.
Gw111 chapter 10 . 4/15
This is ridiculously good like I have to take reading breaks just to pause and look at the way you’ve written something because it really shocks me how perfect it is. The way you write these characters and flesh them out is absolutely great. Just wow 10/10 would highly recommend.
Ysmira chapter 9 . 4/5
I forgot what an amazing and compeling story this is. I hope youll continue.
shieldbro chapter 9 . 4/4
This is a masterpiece, I'm excited for more!
Valen Goncalvez chapter 8 . 2/25
It was a good chapter, I will look forward to the next update!
Ska chapter 8 . 2/9
Holy shit! This is so god! I cant believe i just read all this. Its pretty much all i ever wanted from a diary tom fic but never have gotten. Well until you wrote this! I absolutely adore your Tom and the way you write Harry and his friendship with Luna and your characterization of Luna. I love the flow of the story and i love the plot. I am abdolutely in love with the ever changing dynamic between harry and tom. The way you depict Dumbledore is fantastic. You dont make him out to be an evil caricature. He seems so real. Everything seems so real. Talking about real: Sirius? Thats such a brilliant idea to keep him in the story for so long without Harry knowing. Everything about this fic is fantastic and i loved reading every last bit. I of course saw that you havent updated this fic in a while but i cant help but hope for the best. Because this is fantastic and i cant wait to find out all about it. I cant wait for Tom and Sirius to maybe agree on an alliance for harrys sale. Cant wait to see how Dumbledore handles the situation. Cant wait to see what harry will say will he ever realize Sirius is his dog. I cant wait for every single change harry will go through, or for his and Toms relationship becoming even more twisted and confusing. I cant wait for Voldemort to come back and for seeing Tom hating Voldemort for hurting Harry. I would absolutely love whatever it is you have planned for this fic. So if youre still writing, if youre even just reading these reviews, know that you have a guy over here who loves this dtory with everything he has and would love to read what you have in store. This is awesome and i hope you know it. Thanks for posting it! It makes me incredibly happy to have been allowed to read this. -Ska
Ysmira chapter 8 . 6/24/2019
Your style of writing is simply breathtaking. You detail the characters and their thoughts with grace of Tom Riddle casting charms (odd comparision, but it sort of fits). I really don't like slash and Tom seems a bit too caring of Harry comparing with his canon pure psychopath version, but I will stick to this story despait that, it's simply to great to miss.
I've never saw Ginny comming. It was like a bucket of cold water. Her position is heartbreaking and chiling and to think what her meeting with Harry will probably look like, the amount of horor and guilt, it's uneasy. And to think that her body is slowly decomposing under ground...
Barty Crouch is obvious, but only after he appeared I realized that he has to look different now. I like his character, despite the brief occurence, and I feel sorry for his real counterpart.
Keep up the good work and I hope you'll uptade soon!
Fiscala Nicai chapter 8 . 5/30/2019
Did Dumbledore forget Harry's reaction the name, Tom Riddle?
Lexisfightingrobots chapter 8 . 5/30/2019
one of the biggest things i think would be the different relationship w/ muggles. in asia magic is still widely believed in and accepted as a part of life and im sure that would reflect in how they invest in separating from them. esp if its a school of muggleborns.
Gurgaraneth chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
Love it
AnarchistRising chapter 7 . 1/27/2019
This story is amazing! It should definitely have more views then it has. I can not believe how incredibly well you have shaped this new version of Harry Potter. I absolutely adore this story!
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