Reviews for Shattered Pieces
Dasgun chapter 28 . 3/17
Guest chapter 4 . 3/11
The relationship between Neo and Naruto so far

Naruto strangling Neo

Neo - Harder daddy

Naruto proceeds to stare at like she's mentally fucked up, oh wait-
CountOrlok777 chapter 4 . 2/14
neos a yandere. well this just got more interesting.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/8
Ruined Neo's character the chapter she is introduced. She is far more mysterious and interesting as a mute.
Dragon and Sword Master chapter 28 . 1/23
For all the assholery that is Duke Beryl...he is a necessary evil. If he wasn't in a position of power like this, than what Yami is saying is true: there would be so many attempts to knock them down that they wouldn't know which tactic to use and merely using a stop-gap in a defensive war / battle of attrition, one that they cannot win.

With this asshole doing the things that he's doing, then they have an idea of what's going on and can plan accordingly...such as with the Church of the Spiral (which is still weird by the way) but something that Naruto/Yami/Kurama is doing in order to try and get some men away from Duke Beryl.

Henshin Complete

P.S.: Anyone know where the Phantom Thieves of Hearts are? Because I have a good contender...
youngdrgn chapter 28 . 1/23
Thx for the chapter, I really enjoyed reading it, and look forward to the next one.
Xemenon chapter 28 . 1/18
Nice chapter.
Mo Eazy chapter 28 . 1/18
You don’t need to kill Beryl, you just need to start the war between nobles. Instead of cutting the head off the snake, you give the Snake a autoimmune disease by getting his supporters to start turning on each other. Only so many seats at the table, you just make those seats look less empty than they are.

It would Buy a few months at the least, months that would cost Vale lots of money, what with raising a large army in such a fashion. Dust too. The more it costs the people, the less patriotic people get.

Right now Vale cant risk another defeat so they would need to take time to gather a force large enough, plans to use it and logistics to support it so as to assure victory. But the longer they take the worse things will get for the Nobility and the Kingdom.

Mt. Glenn is meanwhile in a ridiculously good position all things considered. Other than numbers, their vulnerability to a siege and the lack of a propaganda campaign to counter Vale’s they currently have the advantage. They need to press it though, not fight defensively, before Vale gets on total war footing or close to it.
s.k.f.f.f chapter 28 . 1/18
woah awesome chapter. thanks. man, yheir free seesm to be in the eclipse of being lost, damn those nonle vales,
Einjeru Hatake chapter 28 . 1/18
it has been such a long time since you have posted! It's a great chapter and I hope that you keep getting some inspiration. I am struggling myself so reading this actually inspires me. I hope you can bring forth a new chapter before long.
doomqwer chapter 28 . 1/18
good chapter glad i commissioned this and i do look forward to what the second phase of the war will be like
s.k.f.f.f chapter 27 . 8/15/2019
Good guy Adam, very nice. Hopefully, Blake's comes to her senses and Weiss will be shocked.
Wind Dragon Master chapter 27 . 8/14/2019
I... didn’t expect to love this story as much as I do now. This really impressed me, I must admit. I had my misgivings at first, considering the word-to-chapter ratio but I am very happy to be proven wrong. I eagerly await to read more of your work.
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 27 . 8/12/2019
It seems like Adam is not completely disregarding narutos words
Lazruth chapter 27 . 8/12/2019
Okay, seriously Ozpin? Fuck you. You're coming off so much like Cinder it's not even funny, what with this whole "If you're not serving me, you're against me" thing. At least Salem is willing to let things go and happen. CINDER'S the one who's the conniving bitch, but I'm really believing that you are as well.
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