Reviews for Travels in Time and Space
Kyoru Honda chapter 25 . 8/8
Just so people know this series hasn't stopped updating it's completed. The next book is called Journey amongst the Stars. So the review below has gotten it wrong
madd09 chapter 65 . 6/13
Honestly I can’t even be mad that this hasn’t been updated. Because the fact that you wrote as much as you did was amazing. Of course I would love more chapters and to see how this is meant to end. But I’ve loved every word and every character and every plot. I’ve never read a fic series this long before. As I find after about 350k I loose interest as plot just gets messy. That certainly wasn’t an issue here.
Lillyliz chapter 65 . 5/2
This was such a great story! It’s amazing how complex and well thought out all your stories are. I think my favorite episode in this one was the one with Robin Hood. However all of them were amazing. I love that Adam made an appearance in End of the World. I love seeing their future family play a role when the Doctor is unaware of who they are. I can’t wait to read the next one!
seekerchasing chapter 65 . 3/30
this was an incredible installment! Possibly my favourite story was the one with Eve; the Doctor helping them with the telepathy despite it being a difficult thing for him was such a good Doctor moment! I found it really touching, as was Eve thanking the Doctor and recognising that he doesn't actually often get thanked. The two of them interacting was really enjoyable (also Eve dropping some hints about Rose and him being the only one who doesn't get it yet made me laugh!) The last story I also found particularly thrilling and stayed up way too late to finish it because of all the tension and excitement. I'm loving reading the Doctor and Rose growing closer with this incarnation and can't wait for more. This series is truly such a love letter to Rose and her strengths as a character, as well as to their relationship, it's amazing
Ronald Ocean chapter 56 . 10/29/2019
Oh I love Charley Pollard! Yes! So excited
Owlqueen08 chapter 65 . 1/22/2019
I love your story! I just recently found the series and binge read all the books in three days. I honestly don't think that's healthy but I don't really care. Your books are amazing and are definitely worth rereads. I'm really looking forward to the next book and Bad Wolf especially. Thank you for taking all this time to write amazing books and sharing your "fantastic" gifts.
Thank you so much- I love the books.
kajeford chapter 45 . 1/20/2019
So... did they just leave that one guy in a cupboard, will they ever find him? Guess we'll never know
LottieDot chapter 65 . 12/11/2018
Just read the whole series that you have up so far. AMAZING! I an totally young to look for your original works. Your voice is so strong here I can not believe what you can do with your own characters. live this 1 million times over.
Ms. Moleca chapter 65 . 10/20/2018
love love love!
Claude Amelia Song chapter 65 . 10/15/2018
We should thank you for this wonderful, wonderful story journey. You are completely amazing and brilliant.
Thank you so much.
I'm looking forward to the next season:)
Guest chapter 65 . 9/30/2018
icicle.c.cold chapter 65 . 9/25/2018
You took your time typing this one; I can tell because there are only 2 typos, and 1 awkward phrase.
Did you ever get around to installing the Grammarly browser plug-in?
I am very excited for the Christmas special and the next series, and I fully expect to enjoy them all.
I might finally get around to watching the rest of 12's season with Bill while I wait for the next update.
Great story, really hit me with the feels. So SAD! And Black Guardian, looking hurt when Rose flinched... that has me VERY curious as to why he would care about her reacting like that.
What is Rose really? I guess I'll have to wait and find out!

May your pencil always be sharp, your wit sharper and may your muse never go silent!

Your dedicated fan and proofreader,
Maureen Johnson
(Icicle. )
Natsumi Tsuchi-Ookami chapter 65 . 9/24/2018
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SOOOO GOOD! I'm really sad that Charley is gone. I was hoping for a new member of the Companion Club. But you can't save them all. This was very well done as always! And I can't wait for what's coming next. Hopefully, even with the rewrite of Bad Wolf, 9 will stay with us for a while. He's my favorite of the Doctors, followed by 11. Enjoy your hard earned rest and until next time!
LittleAngel2292 chapter 65 . 9/23/2018
Awesome! I love this series so much! Great chapter looking forward to the next edition!
Guest chapter 65 . 9/23/2018
YASSS I love this series so much. I’ve been reading this every Saturday for the past... 5(?!) years? That’s a lot of Saturday’s haha. Although I do apologize I haven’t been very good at reviewing this book, but I want you to know that it’s amazing. I love how you’ve grown the doctor and Roses’s love for each other. And I’m SO excited to have jack join the series too. It’s going to be so interesting to see the doctor get jealous now that he knows he loves Rose. V exciting. Enjoy you’re well earned break! I’ll be rereading the entire series like I do every break you take haha :) thank you for your time and effort
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