Reviews for Devils, Gods, And Soul Reapers
Guest chapter 12 . 7/19
Love your work ! Hope to see more soon
Silverfenics chapter 12 . 7/19
would still be cool if Aphrodite joined Ichigo Harem later perhaps
XXxxxadisxxxXX chapter 1 . 7/18
This is almost unreadable. I don't have the words to full describe it. It just jumps around so much while similtainiuosly feeling like a slog pacing-wise. There are grammar and spelling mistakes everywhere and a bunch of just rudimentary common sense and lore is just thrown out the window for no reason at all.

The summary at least made things look a bit interesting, but it feels like it's the only polished thing here. There's so much other stuff I could go into here, but I feel like it's a moot point.
Mike Kromer chapter 12 . 7/18
Must have more asap. love it so far, keep it up. Can't wait to see what happens next. you know she'll wind up boning ichigo up sooner or later lol.
Arraia chapter 12 . 7/18
Perfect and update soon please
Ichigo x harem
Ichigo x yoruichi
Ichigo x Artemis
Krellash chapter 1 . 5/4
So freaking pathetic! Just reading the first chapter makes me cringe and my head hurt! Lol man it's so bad written that the only description for this is the word papetic.
Daoist Atlas chapter 1 . 3/17
that last part was rushed as hell and a bit out of character for ichigo as i think he would be thoroughly pissed at how fast things where going and not giving him answers
jocoleman2017 chapter 1 . 2/1
Hi will you please update!
havegoodtime chapter 10 . 11/30/2019
This is a very good story. keep it up.
JustAGuy536 chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
The story is good but the plot feels far too rushed to be enjoyable
thunderofdeath97 chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun, and the universe i believe and tsukuyomi is the god of the moon
Dantrlan chapter 3 . 9/24/2019
Dios esto es como leer un fic de Naruto junto a todo su cliché agh que asco
nitewolf423 chapter 10 . 9/12/2019
I can't wait so I am guessing Aphroditexpercee
Dragonborn2704 chapter 10 . 9/6/2019
an absolutley amazing story so far
MrSunshine744 chapter 10 . 9/5/2019
nice, the whole meeting tiamat section was rushed in my opinion, I'd have like to see their meeting in more detail, still, great chapter, cant wait for more!
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