Reviews for A Damaged Redemption
Fallen Angel N chapter 8 . 3/8/2019
You are a lying stinky poo.
SchickHydro chapter 7 . 1/15/2018
Meh, this story could be better, couple of grammar issues too. Story was alright in the beginning, two brothers out to experience an new adventure. But there's nothing new, like...nothing. Everything is freaking the same as the show. Did you put ANY effort into this? Or did you just copy it episode by episode, grab some OC's you made and just throw them together? At least it helped you cut down on thinking time eh?
Guest chapter 7 . 1/5/2018
good sir please more chapters! its so good! i swear if this story dies i'm gonna be so depressed: plot is AMAZING and romantic elements are great. maybe just try to tone down the number of girls kyle keeps falling for is my only advice. good work comrade and please more chapters to the glory of mother russia!
Boyy2k chapter 7 . 12/12/2017
It's a good story. A good idea, and fun to read, I suppose. It's not really my style, so I'll take my leave here, but keep on writing.
Boyy2k chapter 5 . 12/12/2017
They would never have been able to pull of so many days and remain enrolled at Beacon. It would arouse way too much suspicion.

Also, the timeline is feeling a little disjoint.

Grammar needs work.

But it's an interesting enough idea.
ThatGreenDooredBookshop chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
Okay, so not my kind of story, but I can see the effort put into this. A good, strong start to draw the readers in - which is very good - and family drama opens up a lot of future possibilities regarding the plot. The "incident" involving the father is also open to interpretation, so that also leaves a lot of questions unanswered.
This culminates all into a strong start.
However, you've made some gramatical errors.
e.g. "Boys, dinners ready."
This should be "Boys, dinner's ready." But these mistakes are few and far between. Aside from that, not much to say.
I'll look further into it and drop another review later.
Not StarKnight chapter 6 . 11/17/2017
I love it! Keep Writing this!
Fallen Angel N chapter 6 . 10/2/2017
Ugh! It is such a Pity that mercury and emerald aren't on their team. I'm seriously wondering how they got away with all of this. XD anyway, I wonder what their team to is going to do in the competition, pretty sure they can't fight with just two members.
Cosmic Fiction chapter 3 . 6/29/2017
I really liked how well you managed to fit Cole and Kyle into the scenes from Volume 1 and how well you actually recreated them. And the moments when they actually communicate with them are where the scenes cut out in the show itself. I like how you did that, seems like they actually were in the show but we never saw them.
Kyle is interesting me more now, his secretive personality is...intriguing. And Cole's brilliant, love Wildcard Characters.
Noticed a few grammatical errors here and there, nothing serious.
Keep up the great work!
- Onyx Phantom
Cosmic Fiction chapter 2 . 6/29/2017
This is interesting, your have good character to them. Something I don't see a lot of. Cole is really interesting because he has a temper, unpredictable. He's a wildcard and I love characters like that, whereas we have yet to see what Kyle is like. He seems like he has a more...calm and collected approach, someone who has to cool him down.
Can't wait to see them meet the people at Beacon and how they will fit in, just hope Cole doesn't mess this up with his temper.
Keep it up!
- Onyx Phantom
Cosmic Fiction chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
Great start to the story, man!
Keep up the great work!
- Onyx Phantom
Gh0st495 chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Great Start on the First Page I love the intro when will you planning to update your story?