Reviews for Things in Common
Ella Palladino chapter 17 . 7/29
The idea of Snape teaching the Slytherins to dance is simply hilarious!
gentledove2 chapter 41 . 6/29
I am an evil person and Fred and George are annoying me. Perhaps someone needs to whisper a temporary impotence potion into Ginny's ears and teach her how to cast it wandless/wordlessly. I am sure that would teach the twins to respect her...if not, then the next time, it could be permanent...
MrsWM chapter 63 . 6/19
You are a very talented and brilliant writer. I have never read anything quite like this. It was awesome.

Gin became stronger and powerful little by little and it was amazing accompanying her journey. I personally loved narcissa's cunning and viciousness and the scene in which severus and regulus discovered about gin and tom being one.

The whole plot was so well thought and developed. I am still aghast.

Thank you for writing and sharing it :)
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 63 . 6/14
Another brilliant story. It kept me up all night reading, which is both a good and a bad thing. Good because you can tell the story was something else entirely for one to go 38 hours and counting with only 3 hours of sleep to read it, and bad because it means having to deal with actual humans while trying not to kill them. Death by someone else's sleep-deprivation. Fun. Better than death by Tom Riddle, anyway.
Overall: excellent. Thanks for writing
Guest chapter 63 . 6/9
This was so so good and satisfying to read, for a million reasons but not the least because it is *very* rare to see a story where the twins get called out for their tendencies towards bullying. Thank you so much for writing and sharing.
Bele chapter 63 . 6/5
Brilliant, utterly brilliant, and funny on top. what a find. loved every minute of it, and I can wholeheartedly agree with Crucio being harmless compared to the shit we are subjected to every bloody month. Thank you very much for sharing this amazing story with us!
SpSt chapter 63 . 6/2
Fabulous story find. Thanks very much
Alyce Reide chapter 63 . 5/11
A moste excellent storie.
Three cheers.
Alyce Reide chapter 58 . 5/11
...Linguine the Horcrux snake. Okay.
Alyce Reide chapter 35 . 5/11
L. O. L.
A week every month to remind girls how totally awsome they are for dealing with THAT every month. I find it so unfair that most other mammals have estral cycles.
On the upside, it's a good way of knowing within about a month whether or not you're pregnant.
Alyce Reide chapter 28 . 5/11
Never thought I'd say this, but *deep breath* I agree with Voldemort.

Alyce Reide chapter 24 . 5/11
Happy May 11.
Alyce Reide chapter 22 . 5/11
Alyce Reide chapter 13 . 5/11
I don't think I've loved the 'bad guy' this much since Darkstalker.
Alyce Reide chapter 7 . 5/11
Aw, Perce being a sweet brother! Guess he does understand the best, after all.
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