Reviews for A Walk In The Woods
MSAP chapter 1 . 4/20
Reading this I can't help but hear Peter and Sirius in my head. "What would you have done?!" "I'D HAVE DIED, I'D HAVE DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY MY FRIENDS!" (Sharing as that was the very first thing that came into my head reading this during my "noooo, don't do it!" moment!)
It's very interesting and well written, there's very good character development, especially for Rowle, you've advanced the plot well and you've good conversation. (I say that having read After the woods first, started reading that but on finding there was a prequel wanted to keep going as it was clear from that the gist of what had happened before). I like how ambiguous Rowle is, my interpretation is he thinks he is doing the right thing (e.g. I'll put (your major character death) out of his misery he's too far gone (maybe he's thinking after all why heal him so that he is just killed anyway. But if he'd really thought about it he could have found a way to prolong his life (need more useful intelligence, maybe he can comment on our battle plan strategy each time, knowing how the Order think), or whatever, I'm sure if he wanted to he'd find his way out of any hole. So perhaps he thinks "I'm being kind to thiggy ending suffering". But then you know what happens (not spoiling it for your other readers) and he is clearly playing God! Other devious elements (I won't tell so and so of such and such's location; death etc. to avoid emotionalism at a crucial time, clearly making excuses for whatever reason) show you could write very interesting and complex plots in future indeed: ever thought of writing crime fiction/ a murder mystery? I'd love to read your characterisation of a murderer!
There is one glaring omission in this one here, however, i.e. why did Bella not insist he say who the contact was? Glaring opportunity for discovering potential defectors (friends/ relatives of the contact who might be sympathetic to the dark, or blackmailed in exchange for the body's return).
The other point I'd make may be a matter of personal interpretation and preference so isn't a criticism but I really do think Hermione would think on her feet a bit better, seeing as she has been the brains of the Horcrux mission so far: she'd try to aperate away as soon as she was challenge rather than stay for a chit chat (presumably he could curse her quickly and still prevent her leaving, in that case, so that you could still have their conversation) or might she not ask one or two more questions: how do I know you won't just kill my parents anyway or that they're not already dead? Or try to buy time by inventing a different location ("the New Forest! They'll be leaving in a few hours there'll be plenty of time to search!" (that one's over 500km squared)). You could still have the Death Eaters realise they'd been tricked and the duo still be caught (further interrogation of Hermione or another character) if you wanted to go in that direction.
Just a few ideas on characterisation of Hermione that occur to me that would also leave the potential for the plot to develop as it did. Hermione is very very clever after all. On the other hand, one way to reconcile all this is that people can be rational in theory but then panic in a crisis, especially under interrogation, so that would fit here (and I suppose the hurt/ comfort element of your sequel works best with her feeling guilty!)
If you feel up to returning to the sequel at some point I'd be very keen to keep reading!

Mudblood Slytherin and Proud
YourVeryOwnRandomCatLady chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Lonelywicked chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
I confess that I’m a Hermione and Harry’s shipper. But recently I found Thorfinn and Hermione fanfiction and Im loving :P thanks for sharing your story with us
rumbeller25 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Grahamgirl93 chapter 1 . 8/31/2018
This could go in so many different ways... it’s wonderful!
ZoeyOlivia chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
Imma go ahead and follow this in the hopes that you’ll write more to it! You’ve at least a solid few chapters!
bunnyobelenus chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
I love this, sad it's a one shot because this is a solid start to a really good read.
acetwolf94 chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
VinoAmore chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
Such a great One Shot! Loved this story! #LF2018
Jess6800 chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
This was dark and delightful. I absolutely loved this! #LF2018
Fanficfan826 chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
So much happening in such a short story! I found it by stumbling onto and reading your sequel to this. Which I’m hoping is updated soon-hint, HINT! These are such well written stories.
skyeryder01 chapter 1 . 11/23/2017
Eeeek. That last paragraph! Loved this.
maripaz6 chapter 1 . 10/28/2017
Uh oh! This looks like a fascinating start... I might be hooked *bites nails* But I can't! Not yet! No! I'm too young! Not too young to be reading M rated fics, but too young to start another fic. I need one more week.

Btw is this the one from DEE? A facebook group for Death Eaters? I think I read Kittenshift17's entries for that too XD
here's nothing chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
Seriously couldn't help but squeal while I read this, I can just imagine it happen! xD
DutchScorRosefan chapter 1 . 5/16/2017
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