Reviews for Violet Snape's Life
Witch's Runes chapter 4 . 12/23/2017
I could FINALLY fix up this chapter and the last chapter for you... Please, PM or email me as soon as possible, I've got something to tell you... It's important, and also kind of ridiculous too.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/8/2017
J'aime ton histoire, je pense que j'aimerais que Violet découvre son vrai patrimoine génétique sans pour autant que sa n'affecte sa relation avec sa nouvelle famille (le coven Cullen).
Guest chapter 4 . 10/7/2017
If Edward and the Cullens are her family, why are they allowing her Mother to basically abuse her? Edward can clearly read thoughts and knows what her Mother does to punish her. Is that why he said he'd pay for her schooling, to get her away from her Mother? I have a lot of questions.
lilyflower101 chapter 4 . 10/8/2017
So she's just going to take her without talking to or letting her mother know?
Guest chapter 3 . 9/22/2017
I choose Violet getting her letter.
Spawn chapter 2 . 9/19/2017
Violet's mother sounds like an abusive piece of crap, denying her food, leaving her alone for hours, and locking her in the basement. Violet would be better off out of her care. I think violet should be friends with Alice or Rosalie. She needs a girlfriend, though maybe Edward would be good too as he would be able to read her mind.
lilyflower101 chapter 2 . 9/19/2017
Hang in there violet.
taylortheeshowpony chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
loved it! hope you continue.
lilyflower101 chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
Poor little Violet.
HPfanfiction001 chapter 1 . 4/27/2017
Great start! Excited for the next chapter!