Reviews for Hanayo the Yuri Lover
Vaati898 chapter 1 . 4/28/2017
I really liked this story. Hanayo in this seems very reminiscent of Chitose fron Yuruyuri
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
Well, well, my friend...

Ok...this was...huh. XD This was so~ cute, and ohhh man. Thank you so much for the shoutout. :3 This is, heh, pretty flattering, to be honest~ X3
Though...well...I think "Kobayashi-san's Dragon Maid" is incredibly overrated and I want nothing to do with it.

Still, even so, this was adorable and a great "character study" of the beautiful, wonderful, sweet creature that is Hanayo "Kayo-chin" Koizumi, the yuri fangirl. *W* And dat ending? LOL That's fitting. Very fitting, for Rin's affection for Hanayo giving her the worst nosebleeds. LOL

Nice work~!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
YuriChan220 chapter 1 . 4/25/2017
This is soooo cute~! I can't believe you actually wrote something based on me and Mike's cameo appearance of our favorite yuri girl, Hanayo~!

Although...are those girls from...correct me if I'm wrong...Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? If not, I cannot recall where they are from.

Can't wait for more~! Great work, EasyGo! I am SO glad you're back!