Reviews for Dragonage: The Knight Of Heide
Jeff chapter 7 . 8/21
keep calm and praise on. good day to you sir
Jeff chapter 2 . 8/21
glad he isn't super op or anything, have a good day.
Jctherebel chapter 47 . 8/18
That was an amazing read, from start to finish, loved every word, good job
Thanos69 chapter 2 . 7/16
The story is great but The heide armor sucks just saying, maybe I played to much DS2 :'/, to know the quality of the armor.
StrawberryPhoenix15 chapter 1 . 4/23
I'm loving the book keep going your doing great
CrazzyTony chapter 47 . 7/28/2019
This was awesome I'm hoping book two is out already but if it isn't I'm definitely waiting!
Goodpie2 chapter 9 . 6/10/2019
Ok, you constantly swap back and forth between past and present tense. After finishing a chapter, I’d recommend reading through it for times when you swap from one to the other and correcting them.
Reviewer chapter 47 . 12/19/2018
As much as I love this story's aggressive gory nature with it's OP character and bullshit plot armor there's nothing else to it, the plot as to many holes with it's why's and really's, most of the "logic" found for some are really questionable and some of the death's weren't really necessary, the oc character is not likable, he is too brash and harsh plus a hypocritical imbecile and the excuse of he's curse/being from a harsh world and the love for he's daughter does not give me any sympathy for him nor does excuse him of the things he's done even if it's was "necessary" cuz was it tho? Was it really? And.. you know? I'm not hating on the story I'm just giving you a small review because this story is giving me the naruto/one punch man/gintama/DC vibes which is not bad..? Kinda.. (I'm saying it mainly because of the last chapter.. kinda) you, has a writer have great potential! But sadly my judgment is that of a viewer as for I'm not a professional writer to tell you in what you can improve or fix and please don't let my review discourage or offend you for that's was not my intend.
Thedudeist chapter 9 . 8/19/2018
didnt he name the wolf himself? Something less "cute" than bon-bon?
Animasta chapter 47 . 8/13/2018
Your writing style was amazing! Even when i thought aspects of the plot were... not to my taste, the writing itself was fantastic. Plus, i really appreciated your characterization of the main character.

Thank you for the story :)
Artyom-Dreizehn chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
This fic is really awesome, you also dab and interlace this with time travel and alternate timelines as close to the dark souls that time is convulted. Though my dreams for Langerd seeing Riven grow is gone. Still a fantastic fic
Guest chapter 47 . 6/18/2018
Hahaha kill them all XD
UndeadLord22 chapter 47 . 6/17/2018
Fuck! In return he gets taken.

And THANK YOU! Having to kill Fenris, dude, fuck no. Killing a dog companion? Just no...

Wonder what will Langerd become...?
UndeadLord22 chapter 46 . 6/17/2018
Noooooo! Fuck! Why!?

And Loki sht! He died. He should have gotten the chance to help out Langerd!
Guest chapter 47 . 6/17/2018
This story is my favorite in the entire site. Thank you, seriously, for sticking with it to the end. You're an amazing writer, I can't wait to see how all this ends.
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