Reviews for Tales From Atlantis
Purple Majestic chapter 8 . 5/31/2012
Love this story!
haganeochibi chapter 3 . 6/10/2011
That was... affectionate. Why didn't you put in the arrowhead Milo found during a camping trip with his grandpa?
Psychicbyinternet chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Great story! Very realistic! It would make so much sense for Milo to go to Oxford - he seems like the type (his grandpa even more so). I liked how you kept the same supporting characters in this story as in "The Dark Ones" (Throck, Meera, Orion, etc). You write so well.
applepielover chapter 8 . 5/18/2010
I love this, especially with how you expanded on Milo and Kida's childhoods. Well written.
ManticSky chapter 8 . 7/21/2009

I absolutely LOVED this story. You should continue it! It deserves FAR more than 11 reviews.

Keigu (japanese for, sincerely yours,)

Atlandim chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
LOVE YOUR STORY! I'm new here and later I'm going to write stories from atlantis. Keep it up!
Dibsthe1 chapter 7 . 12/13/2005
You did the right thing, Milo. Anyone who'd demand that you turn your back on what's truly important to you doesn't deserve you.
Dibsthe1 chapter 3 . 11/13/2005
Oh one more thing that I forgot, my favorite chapter here was Chapter 5!

I hope you decide to write more, but if you don't thanks just the same!
Dibsthe1 chapter 5 . 11/13/2005
I like it too! A LOT.

I see this hasn't been updated for over two years, so it's rather unlikely that it will be, but I wanted to thank you for writing it. In quite a few ways, Milo reminds me a lot of a very good friend of mine.
Femme Milo chapter 7 . 12/5/2004
That story was good. I what to hear more of Milo's childhood though. I had no idea that Milo had such a miserable childhood.
Atlantima chapter 8 . 10/14/2004
This is really good! You should finish it. I see that you've last updated it in February '03. I know how hard it is to finish a fic.

But, actually, I could kinda see how maybe you were intending it to be finished here?
ChibiMoon921 chapter 8 . 5/25/2004
I adore this story! It's great! PLEASE update soon!
Allie chapter 8 . 12/13/2003
I realy realy liked your story. so could you please finish it?
Raven Arya Amaranth chapter 1 . 5/16/2003
Great work, Lisa!This is a funny and entertaining

story.I'm trying to write a story of my own,so if

you and Rebmakash can give me some ideas, I would be so 't if you don't want to. I like

the parts of Milo learning (the way he did it was

funny) and Kida as a little troublemaker.8D
Steve Son chapter 8 . 2/27/2003
I really like your idea on how the story goes before the finding of Atlantis. I hope you work on it some more. Man, words can not decribe this fic. I am really happy I came across this. Plus one more thing, Atlantis is actually the only GOOD animated Disney movie I've seen. I give my thanks to you for wirting this fic.