Reviews for Speed Racer: The Invincible Car S02E01-S02E02
Sabu chapter 12 . 1/14
I like this so much. There are so many call backs to episodes from the show, and it really feels like this could be an episode from the old anime. This was so well done, and I really enjoyed reading it. The bit with the "tune in next time for part 2" killed me. I'm glad this is semi recent, and that people are still watching and enjoying Speed Racer.
GR59 chapter 12 . 2/7/2018
This story was a fun and intresting read, by far the best Speed Racer story on this site.
Hitamukiissekiwa chapter 3 . 11/23/2017
First of all, dang, there needs to be way more SR fic around here on a regular basis. Considering this section's been stagnated for years, this fic is a sight for sore eyes! Like the previous commenter said, it definitely feels like an episode of the show — and just in general, the narrative flow and dialogue is so good and smooth and attention-grabbing and full of real emotion. You are an amazing writer and assuming this story isn't quite finished I'd love to see the exciting conclusion. I know it's been a while and you might be on to bigger and better things, but even if your love for Speed has waned or gone it lives on so admirably and tangibly in these three chapters. Thank you for writing this, even just this far. It means a lot and it does the original series and the franchise in general some incredible much-needed justice. w *HUGS*
GR59 chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Feels like an episode from the show!