Reviews for The East Wind Blows Fair
love you chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
Hey! Welcome back! I'm so sorry about your mom, may she rest in peace. I really love your writing and I'm glad you graced us with a Sherlock fanfic. I'm a huge fan of how you write, you really captivate and bring me away from all the crap of life I sometimes go through. I've been reading and re-reading your Blood and Cherries fanfic for years now. I feel you're one of like the golden fanfic writers, I know you started writing before all the books came out but it still feels like you knew so much even with silly little mistakes like her full name. Also, I really like how you showed us Sherlock and Eurus's complicated relationship. I would love to see more beautiful tapestries of words. If you ever get a Patreon, I would love to support you. I just hope you end up doing what you love and what you need to heal.
Pokemon67 chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
This was great! I like to think Euros and Sherlock grew closer.

Happy Writing!
andygreyson chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
it was good