Reviews for A Week of Buguese x Aqune
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 7 . 6/26/2017
Saved the first for last, huh?

"Mantid was able to make an entire country to believe his lies." Probably shouldn't have the "to." Or "make" could be "get"? The wording just sounds funny.

The ending is massively cute. A little sad that Buguese and Aqune both feel responsible for the bad things that happened. But neither can blame the other, I think. Obviously Buguese is more at fault, but Mantid was really most at fault, and Buguese needs to hear that Aqune forgives him.

The series should have ended like this. They hardly talk to each other after 49, even though that gave them a good opening to admit feelings for each other. But the ending of the show was pretty bad in general.
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 6 . 6/26/2017
Now, it's neat to see Buguese and Aqune spar. Actually, if those two fought each other for real (which they obviously wouldn't) that would be an incredible fight. Not sure Buguese would win, even though he's very confident in this story. Although maybe. He took Aqune's lightning like it was nothing in 49. Dang, wasted potential we will never know.

I wonder what happened that put the Inner World in danger again. All sorts of potential there.
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
This is perfect. Aqune's backstory is way more interesting than Hunter's or anyone else's. You basically worked in what was known in the canon (like the transport getting shot down and Buguese and Aqune meeting in the forest), but made it all fit together. But it is an AU because Aqune sadly never really remembers. I wonder what would happen next if she did.

I definitely agree that Aqune has the right to be angry with Buguese, but she isn't. He always regretted wronging her, and now he almost died to protect her. Sad.
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 4 . 6/26/2017
Very nice and descriptive. The ending is cute.
I can definitely see Aqune being afraid of Mantid, in a setting post-series.

Wow, it would be really interesting if anyone were to find out about Lorraine when Mantid was still around. Maybe he did keep her things somewhere in the castle, besides her corpse.
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 3 . 6/26/2017

I didn't even need to scroll down. This was more of a long punchline than a chapter. But funny.
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 2 . 6/26/2017
"And now, she was the fiance of Buguese, the Insector Emperor."
Details. XD

Actually, this was really sweet. Having Buguese try and cheer up Aqune was nice, since she's usually the one supporting him.
SpiderRidersReviewAnon chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
You know, there's a bunch of fics themed around Hunter and Corona finally getting their chance to dance at the Arachnan ball (which isn't too surprising since the show teases about it) but Aqune is always alone. Makes sense that she would dance with Buguese. Who else, really?

I know these are ficlets, but it would be interesting as a longer story.