Reviews for How I Met Your Monster
SeanHicks4 chapter 17 . 3/28
Interesting companion piece, Cherie’s POV is pretty fun. I’m also kinda surprised it took almost twice the amount of chapters to cover the same amount of time as the main fic.
Ryan Bond chapter 17 . 2/12
Read both your Monster books, they're amazing! If I had anything resembling patience, I'd follow you in a heartbeat.
Dalke320 chapter 17 . 2/9
... I am really rooting for Cherish to seduce/marry Taylor, like to an odd degree. Thanks for the side story I’m really enjoying it!
Iryelb chapter 17 . 2/7
When I looked at your profile to see what else you had written, hoping it would be "book" two The Wild Hunt, I was not expecting to find this companion piece filling in the rest of Cherish's side of things. Honestly, I'm glad I read all of Monster first because I liked following Taylor's cold logic and the goofy seemingly kind of oblivious Pride. I came to care for her the same as Taylor, then we follow the slightly more demented, much more fucked up, Cherish's side of things and learn that both of them are in fact a lot more fucked up than Taylor seems to think they are. I really loved all of the aggravation she had dealing with Taylor, "did you learn to social from Behemoth" Hebert. She also had some really good monologues, that included a not-insignificant amount of self-deception. Most importantly though, reading this just made me want to read The Wild Hunt even more.
hyrushoten chapter 13 . 8/15/2019
This chapter's formatting is all messed up. On a possibly related note, has the chapters of this story been edited to match the editing done in the main story?
indecisiveweaver chapter 2 . 7/20/2019
it is clear Cherie has never worked in retail
Shin1gam1 chapter 17 . 5/23/2019
Great work.
Anastor chapter 17 . 9/22/2018
You know, I never even considered that Taylor’s second trigger would have a second GREATER impact on her emotional range! At this point she’s reading as an overly intelligent beast, emotionally speaking. In the other story I was translating her manner as being a result of the shock of the second trigger (oh, and realizing she may have doomed humanity). If this is her new ‘normal’, then I’m concerned for poor sociopathic Cherie. Especiallly if you throw in an unstable Mimi, and a possibly backstabby Bonesaw.
sFnPK chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3dtvst0rikI
Right What Is Wrong chapter 11 . 1/7/2018
Just randomly browsed by this fic.

I'm not that familiar with the canon, but I have to give you kudos for writing in this character voice for so many words, having the resultant fic be coherent and interesting, and not dying of a vicarious caffeine-and-sugar overdose. *terrified applause*
Kyranol1 chapter 11 . 1/4/2018
Thanks so much for the new chapter!
Cherie's perspective and narration never fails to amuse me.
Sanj49 chapter 11 . 1/4/2018
Lazy writing in turning Taylor gay, way to easy and unoriginal.
xbox432 chapter 11 . 1/4/2018
Ya know, it's still kinda amusing watching this story from another perspective... Cherie gets so many in-depth observations about Taylor and others, yet she still misses the mark TERRIBLY in certain areas. Supposition hampers her just as badly as it does Lisa doesn't it?
xbox432 chapter 10 . 12/20/2017
Wow, you are doing an EXCELLENT job interpreting how someone suffering from extreme sleep deprivation would think... I know because I've been in that state before. At this point I'm really wondering how Cheerie is functioning at all, much less being able to pilot a mech and drive a truck.
The Impossible Muffin chapter 9 . 6/17/2017
It's funny how Taylor is trying to deal with everything and has these really deep introspective moments and then you have Cherie being as shallow as can be.
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