Reviews for Drink
TehChamp chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
It was bittersweet and a beautiful story over all that left a warm feeling in my heart dispite the sad tale of their trials in life. Well done.
Gone Rampant chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
It's Branwen. Otherwise, great read. Love it.
Mademoiselle le Chat chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
Wow. This was magnificent. I've been seeing this theory that Qrow is Ruby's real father and I feel bad for Taiyang, but at the same time, it makes sense. Giving him a reason like this to drink is painful but reasonable.
Excellent story.
P.S. when he thinks of walking Ruby down the aisle I almost cried. It was beautiful.
Mr. What If chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
Good story but you do know Summer body was never found right so Ruby ask Qrow why they're burying Summer is irrelevant.
Aiellord chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
RebekahTPE chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
This is amazing and absolutely beautiful.
I love it.
Emiliano733 chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
This is a very wonderful story. I love the qrow's theory and Hummingbird(still want a dammit prequel about team strq. Hurry, Rooster teeth!).