Reviews for Noctis de Cadere, Noctis de Hiems
Guests chapter 5 . 7/18
This is a pretty good story can't wait for the update
PsyGuy07 chapter 1 . 7/12
I hope you continue your work. It's different from the other crossovers of FFXV and RWBY.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/19
Pretty fun read to binge. Can’t wait for an update!
oofsizelarge chapter 10 . 5/12
Hope this story gets continued. It was a great read and I enjoyed all of it. I won’t get my hopes up that much but, I do hope we get at least some kind of update.
Insaneauthor050701 chapter 10 . 5/10
please continue this is great
Insaneauthor050701 chapter 9 . 5/10
Hopefully he gets aura and a semblance to even things out and give him more of an edge. Seems kinda weird that he would break a sweat fighting Team Rwby in their first fight as a team but I guess since he isn't fighting to kill them it's harder?
WengKeeTan chapter 10 . 5/9
Still waiting for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13
Please Update, I'm in love with this fanfic:D
carsonforgeel chapter 10 . 4/11
This was so well done. Hope you comeback to finish.
Silence42 chapter 10 . 4/6
a decent aura excuse, his works differently, instead of being a shield, its what's letting him phase through attacks and perhaps teleport
The Qrow chapter 9 . 3/29
OR he could just come up with an easier lie. "My Aura is malfunctioning ever since that fight where I got shot. My semblance is working fine but my Aura is just not responding." That way he would make himself out to be a victim since he got hurt/crippled saving their friend, getting them to put in some research if he can activate his Aura or not.
The Qrow chapter 8 . 3/29
At this point the suspicion is getting old. For crying out loud, they know he saved their maiden from getting to salem. If they honestly believe that Salems plan is to stage an successful attack on a maiden and then to save her just so you can kill her at a later occassion then that is just convuluted and stupid. They had an golden opportunity, it won't come again for quite some time. I mean the ONLY thing I could see this being a good plan for, is for Noctis to get into Ozpins inner circle or sabotage Beacon somehow. Something that could have easily been done several other ways that would have been safer then attacking a maiden. It doesn't make any sense for them to try and keep Amber away from him at this point since that would only make him suspicous if he WAS their enemy.
The Qrow chapter 1 . 3/29
Weeeeell not to be THAT guy but Cinders Semblance is projecting glass, not fire...
triscythe59 chapter 10 . 3/29
I hope you continue this story. This is one of many Fanfictions I would love to see being finished. Keep up the good work!
WengKeeTan chapter 10 . 3/14
please contnue,its so good.
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