Reviews for Kim Possible: Lost in the Darkness
Guest chapter 24 . 4/27
Still hoping this will get update someday... In general, I get what is going on for Shadow, but I still don't understand why Shadow wants to revive Kim. If Shadow revives Kim because she wants Kim to join her, but at the same time Shadow is Kim so technically Kim already joins Obsidian Pact without reviving the 19 year old Kim... Urgggg, this is just too frustrating!

Perhaps Shadow carry out Project Fluctlight when she was not yet completely twisted by Master Syn? Like creating an uncorrupted Kim Possible to stop herself from further going down the dark path? I mean, who's better at stopping Kim Possible other than the Kim Possible herself!

Still, these are just my assumptions and not the real story. I just hope someday I can read the true story behind Shadow and Kim, and of course how Project Fluctlight led to the creation of the evil mastermind Shadow or the innocent 19-year-old ex-teen hero Kim.
LilLinkGirl chapter 24 . 1/24
...Now that's just evil! Will there be an ending? I can only wait and hope.
DarkRook chapter 24 . 12/14/2019
so good. I just picked up the story the other day to listen to and I must say it is very well done. I'll say i did call it as soon as you revealed shadow as a woman but actually had me start to second guess myself a couple times. looking forward to more chapters.
Hiyoshi Ren chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
Ur cruel. Ur so so cruel
gameon24 chapter 24 . 9/19/2017
Beautiful...simply beautiful. Please update. I just got back to reading KP fanfiction.
gerbilHunter chapter 24 . 9/11/2017
I'm happy to see another chapter appear. And things are coming to a head, with good tension and development. And Master Syn finally makes his appearance. It's been obvious for a while that he set things in motion; we'll see what he does now to keep things to his script.

The scene with Betty, Vivian, and Felix raises a problem. If Kim and Shadow are not the same, as Felix says, why do he and Vivian have any loyalty to Shadow? It is understandable that they were loyal to Kim, and stayed with her even as she evolved into Shadow, but it isn't if they are truly not the same.

The English is still occasionally awkward, but not at all bad; I've read much worse from people for whom it's a first language. You seem to have a little trouble with the number of eyes Betty has; you keep using plurals in referring to her eyes.

In the first line of the final scene, I think you mean 'pressed a gun to' rather than pointed. First, you 'point at' in this context (you 'point to' if you are conveying information, but not when you aim a weapon), and second, since nobody noticed him enter, Shadow would have no reason to whip around if he only pointed at her, rather than touching her.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/8/2017
AWESOME as ever! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Guest chapter 23 . 7/29/2017
I knew it! Awesomeness achieved oh great weaver of stories! Can't wait for the next one!
gerbilHunter chapter 23 . 7/29/2017
If that last sentence means what it seems to, that's a twist I had not imagined. It's almost a bridge too far, though. That Kim could have gone that far, completely over the edge, to commit such crimes? To become such a monster? I think a lot of fans will have difficulty with that.

It does explain a great deal, including Shadow's ability penetrate Global Justice. And the horror that Betty and Shego felt when they discovered who she was. And the loyalty of Felix and Porter.

On the other hand, it makes "I was there when she was brought back from the dead" a bit of a stretch. Maybe I'm misreading things, but if 'Shadow' has always meant Kim's dark side, all that was left after the wolves, I can see it.

I'll have to go back and re-read the sections on how Kim was regenerated by DNAmy, but it seemed to be worded in ways that don't allow for Shadow to also be Kim. And it seemed that you had written that Shadow had brought Kim in from the wolves, but I can't recall you saying that explicitly. If not, it's been a nice bit of misdirection.

Project Fluctlight a program to create a cyborg soldier, perhaps? The Six Million Man merged into the Kim Possible universe. Was this some idiot plan? There should have been some reason for the surveillance cameras in that valley, and that has not yet been explained. Not that I recall, anyway.

But why has Shadow regenerated Kim? She had to have had a reason, even if that got twisted in the intervening years.

Your mechanics have gotten better; there are a bunch of word choices that are off, and some misspellings, but in general things flow well. "Drammen" for Drakken should have been caught in the near-last paragraph.

All good so far. I'm looking forward to the final chapters.
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 23 . 7/29/2017
More please:)
Guest chapter 22 . 7/21/2017
Whoa, talk about heavy.
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 22 . 7/21/2017
More please
Guest chapter 21 . 7/8/2017
Oh I can feel the epicness that is coming! Looking forward to the next one!
Guest chapter 20 . 7/1/2017
This just gets even more intriguing by the chapter! Love it!
gerbilHunter chapter 12 . 6/27/2017
Sorry I haven't kept up with reviewing this. There's just been too much else going on, and you've been pushing chapters out so quickly.

So, we absolutely know that Felix is aware of how psychotic Shadow is. He is going to avoid letting Kim see the holding cells and torture chambers, so we know he's aware of them. And who is Shadow that is so dramatic, but Kim doesn't recognize her? She must know her; given how obsessed Shadow is with Kim, it seems very unlikely that they weren't in some way connected.

And who is Shadow that is so threatening that Shego and Betty think that even Ron is overmatched? Even when teamed with Wade and the Possible twins.

Shadow putting Drakken to death makes sense; she has to hate him for his part in Kim's near-death, as well. Spending three hours torturing him first is an inhuman way to go about it, of course.

You refer to Shego at one point as "the lake woman". That's a new one for me. I have no idea what you mean.

You still have trouble with verb tenses, but it's not bed enough to destroy the flow of the story. There are a couple of pretty bad typos, though. Shadow says she'll give Drakken "a all and painful death"? The classic phrase is "a slow and painful death".
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