Reviews for Sonic and Lilac: Shattered Horizon I
Guest chapter 2 . 10/28/2019
I read all 4 Parts the prequel to it abput when they meet and the Shattered horizon parts 1 and 2

But...? When chapter 3 comming out? Or did i alrady come out

And keep up the good work! Love these stories!
ShiroIsKing chapter 2 . 3/20/2018
Ok. Let me first start off by saying that this is a FANTASTIC story. I read through Power of Chaos and the first two chapters of Shattered Horizon in a hour, like complete nonstop. The way you wrote it had always had me intrigued as to what would happen next. I was literally almost forced to stop reading to help my parents with something. It had me in a trance, which alot of stories don't do for me as of late. Your stories deserve A LOT more attention then what they have now in my opinion. I would love to see a continuation of this although it's purely your decision as to what happens to this story. You may or may not read this, being that 11 months has passed since your last chapter/update, I just wanted to give you your props.. even though it is EXTREMELY late. Keep up da good work my dood.