Reviews for Sunset Ghost
MoonWatersLight chapter 25 . 4/24
Holy shit, I don't know if I hate you or love you! This was great, but at the same time my eyes are puffy and my throat hurts from crying. The fact that the one-shots don't sound like a for sure thing is terrifying. Like, you can't just make me all giddy one moment and leave me a crying mess with a bitter-sweet ending that NEEDS more sweetness to it! Well, not more sweetness... I quite liked the ending. But to be emotionally wrecked from this one and go to another story to soothe the ache knowing just how happy these deserving idiots are would be great! Also, I would like to know how Iwaizume reacts to Kageyama's delivered message from Oikawa. Anyway, I don't mean to sound pushy, but I wouldn't be typing this embarrassing review if this story wasn't GOOD. Please know I thoroughly enjoyed this fic and will be on the look-out for that sequel, story, one-shot collection, whatever it is. I'll be there and hope to read it soon! Great job, keep it up!
ipromiseimnotatotaldweeb chapter 25 . 2/16
Okay. So this was beautiful. I've only recently got into readibg haikyu fics, but I find it hard to believe something will top this! I loved it!
Guest chapter 25 . 1/14
Loved the story and the chemistry between the characters! You really described the events in a hooking manner so props to that as well! The only thing that was lacking for me is the plot holes in the story - particularly hinata's unspoken wish & powers. I just feel like Hinata as you described to be a valuable spirit with this power to easily tap to spiritual energy could be used more in the fight scenes. But I was surprised to find him lacking in the aspect to protect his friends & himself despite him having the power to do so. After all, Oikawa fears & values his spiritual power (soul). Plus, Hinata's unspoken wish was not that much clarified or clear. So incase of a sequel, I hope there is a character development - particularly combat development for Hinata.
Eilimakk chapter 25 . 8/30/2018
Ah! This was the fic I never thought I needed but ended up adoring it! Thank you for writing.

I love how smoothly the plot flowed, plus you definitely have a lot of creativity. All those ideas where magnificent, and gah, when Oikawa turned out to be the mastermind I was like nooooooooooooo. Damn, I would’ve loved to see a scene where Kageyama figures out who Hajime is, that’d be bittersweet alright.

I do think that Kageyama had a bit of plot armour though, but in the end it turned out alright, just sometimes I was like “hmm” but then again, for Hinata!

The epilogue still confuses me a lot though, and I was wondering if you could possibly explain it to me, possibly? Uh, sorry, you don’t have to of course I’m just a bit confused on what’s going. Like, how is Hinata living again and is he even in Yomi? ( wait it was called Yomi right- ) plus what happened to Yachi and the gang, did Kageyama die and now a ghost or something? Is it because he moved, did he decide to stop being a psychic? It’s just confusing, a big jump from the previous chapter so I’m left stunned. But really, that was the only big thing. Everything else is just, gah, wonderful.
messedupmoon chapter 25 . 5/21/2018
fanficlove2014 chapter 25 . 4/9/2018
Thank goodness for this Epilogue! It was wonderful and much needed after the last chapter! I'm so unbelievably happy! With both this ending and that I found this story! Though, maybe it shouldn't have taken me so long as it did. Minus the fact that I've only recently joined the fandom (like a month ago) I've apparently read some of your other stories. *shakes head at herself* I really should have just looked at your story list sooner because, like with the others I have read, your writing is magical. This story was a whirlwind of a ride and I found it so enjoyable and honestly, a bit shocked that it didn't get more reviews. You did an amazing job with this and I know that I probably just overloaded your inbox with my reviews but I really just wanted you to know how remarkable this idea and story were, even if I did get a bit annoying XD Thank you so much for writing and sharing this story! I look forward to reading more of your work!
fanficlove2014 chapter 24 . 4/9/2018
Goosebumps, chills and tears. If that isn't the reaction you wanted from this beautifully angsty chapter then I'm sorry, but that's what you get from me! T-T I just... I can't even handle this chapter and I want to cry *ignores the tears in her eyes* and I want to shout because there is TOO MANY FEELS! But really, all that just adds up to you doing a gloriously amazing job on this chapter. Seriously. Well done.
fanficlove2014 chapter 23 . 4/9/2018
I am NOT prepared! How can you say prepare myself?! I wasn't even prepared for this chapter! And the next one is going to be WORSE?! T-T Oh god... *cautiously looks at the 'next' button and takes a deep breath*
fanficlove2014 chapter 22 . 4/9/2018
What a freaking ROLLER COASTER of a chapter! Seriously my mood was all over the place. Basically in tears at the beginning, stupidly happy over Kageyama kicking ass and then... back to tears at the goodbye to Hajime T-T Gosh.. I just... sooo good!
fanficlove2014 chapter 21 . 4/9/2018
WHAT?! NO FREAKING WAY!? I totally swore that *checks a different chapter* Ah. Dammit, I totally misread that in all the excitement! Gawh! I can't... this can't actually be happening right now.. Kageyama, Hinata, SOMEBODY! T-T Amazing job with this chapter! I totally had a guess at the beginning but this one all but confirmed it (ignores the small little bump where she misread something last chapter and thought she was wrong)! Great work!
fanficlove2014 chapter 20 . 4/9/2018
Oh my gosh... so we finally figure out the meaning by what Hinata is... but that only brings up more questions! Not to mention the dire situation that everyone is in and GAH! So much happening! In a good way! Thanks for an excellent chapter!
fanficlove2014 chapter 19 . 4/9/2018
Gah! NOOO! Not good, not good, not good. This chapter has me on the edge of my seat!
fanficlove2014 chapter 18 . 4/9/2018
Ugh... the timing is never quite right for those two! *deep breathe* It'll happen. It'll happen. Anyways, what another great chapter! I love, love, LOVE the interactions between Kageyama and Hinata in this! Though I do wonder what our little ghost whispered at the end here...
fanficlove2014 chapter 16 . 4/9/2018
Holy frick! This chapter was so intense! I love it! Fantastic job on this one! I'm finding myself unable to stop reading with all this excitement going on!
fanficlove2014 chapter 15 . 4/9/2018
Well shit. I mean YAY! He found him but he also found well... the bad guy. This is gunna be one heck of a fight!
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