Reviews for FateBlood Reign
FlowerGirl25 chapter 44 . 2/4
This was one of the best stories I have very read on this website! Your writing flowed perfectly and I definitely enjoyed the storyline. It’s was new and different. I also enjoyed Hazels and lancer relationship it flowed natural, and it wasn’t forced or quick as I have seen in other stories. Their small moments where so cute! OverAll it was a great story and it needed to be reviewed! I’m glad everyone got a happy ending!
Esmereilda chapter 3 . 4/1/2019
u shouldn't be so trusting of kirei but then again I doubt that since she refers to him like rin does that she'd make the same mistake that bazet did
FangSnowLotus chapter 42 . 2/9/2018
Finally, the war is over! I hope Hazel can have a good life from now on, she deserves it (as do Cu and Waver)
FangSnowLotus chapter 36 . 12/6/2017
My feelings are being toyed with... but, I like it.
I hope that wish becomes a reality!
FangSnowLotus chapter 34 . 12/6/2017
Oiten chapter 36 . 11/24/2017
Ah man poor hazel...I really liked this chapter! thank you for continuing this story
FangSnowLotus chapter 32 . 10/26/2017
If she “dies” again, Imma punch Gil and Kotomine.
But wait... don’t tell me that papa’s protecting his little girl, finally, at long last. Or is it... Iskander?!
Or Waver, but I doubt he could preform such things... or can he?
FangSnowLotus chapter 31 . 10/19/2017
It’s Waver! My review is fragmented...
FangSnowLotus chapter 30 . 10/13/2017
Poor Hazel, she “died” then she’ll “die” again. Ah, this worries me.
Accelerator Chan chapter 30 . 10/13/2017
Wow amazing fic so fare! I also love how your oc fits so well in the series and kt doesn't seem too forst! Ether way keep up the great work and can't wait fir the next chapter!
KingPenguinJG chapter 30 . 10/10/2017
Im really liking this I always hated how Gilgamesh killed Illya. I like How Hazel called him out on it. I'm Surprised u didn't have her Hit below the belt and say that he failed his only friend Enkidu but then again she probably woulda been killed out right just as the last syllable left her mouth. Anyway Waver's a master again now thats really interesting. I can't wait to see if Gilgamesh succeeds in using Hazel as a vessel. Anyway I gotta ask Wheres Waver's little Buddy the Saber clone Gray ? Has he found her in her village yet at the time of this story ? or is she just at the clock tower keeping watch over Waver's things While he's helping out Hazel ? I would love to see an awkward meeting between her and Artoria
FangSnowLotus chapter 29 . 10/7/2017
Damn son.
Poor poor Illya, the homunculus can never escape their fates, even the half one.
Guest chapter 29 . 10/5/2017
I take it that Ilya doesn't have a heart anymore?
Oiten chapter 29 . 10/5/2017
I love hazels character please keep up the good work!
Spezler chapter 27 . 9/26/2017
I had really hoped for Hazel not to feel the same way and keep the friendship with Waver. This has to be one of the best fate fics I've read and the fact that it stars Cu Chulainn is a godsend. I look forward to how you finish this. (And am silently hoping for hazel and lancer's happy ending ;3)
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