Reviews for Flares
KevlarKitten chapter 27 . 8/31
Another wonderful one shot.
redromanova chapter 23 . 2/24
Dude. I'm so impressed. You write so many different MCU characters so well. And this chapter was so good! I love Peter so much and I loved the way you wrote him dealing with the aftermath of Endgame. Like this chapter hurt so much. Peter wanting his old life back, wanting his friends and May (and even Flash!) and his grief for Tony. It still hurts but I love the way you wrote it in this chapter, it didn't feel like you were skimming over his grief. Or Wanda's! which is super important. Great chapter!
redromanova chapter 22 . 2/24
okay I LOVED this. I love Karen Page so much. also I love the idea of Karen taking care of Wanda. I always felt like these two would get on well. They've both been through a lot and I love the idea that Karen would be kind to her and want to look out for her (that's so like Karen!) I always enjoy this series but really did enjoy this chapter. Just putting it out there, I would love to read more Karen. and also Wanda! together, or in separate/other fics. Whatever works for you. Also, really liked Frank in this. I love Frank SO much. So I was really happy to see the three of them in this and now I'm kinda hoping we get to read more of this trio together, because they're all pretty amazing and would make an epic trio. Fingers crossed you write them again. I loved it and can't wait to read more!
Parth Nanda chapter 26 . 2/1
Hey man! Its a very good fanfic and i would very much like if a write a complete story about wanda and peter with loads of chapter and a story like this. That would be appreciated greatly.
Chici99 chapter 26 . 2/1
Awesome dude, I really like this one. I would read this as an going story. Nice and me :)
Tohdoh chapter 7 . 5/6/2019
Really great job with this chapter! I perked up when I saw that you had written T'Challa x Wanda. Watching a well-made video of them on Youtube made me realize that it was a ship I didn't know I needed until now. Their contrasting backgrounds, plus their common initial experience with seeking revenge, set up good ground for exploring their potential chemistry through fanfiction.
D00rFr4m3 chapter 15 . 3/26/2019
Well that was delightful. Thanks for writing this, I enjoyed it.

I don't like most of these pairings, but this one was great.
redromanova chapter 21 . 2/26/2019
so this was a really nice update to read. sad, and dark, but fitting for both their characters. I always love the way you write wanda and all the different characters/takes you explore in this series always interest me. well done, I look forward to more.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/8/2019
omg please do more of these two. pleasee!
Rednecktexas133 chapter 5 . 12/18/2018
Rednecktexas133 chapter 5 . 12/18/2018
could you do another WandaGroot ple for se
redromanova chapter 20 . 10/22/2018
okkk, this was cute. Really, really cute. I enjoyed this so much, it was so nice and easy to read. It was also really light and flowed so well. So nice to read, so light. I liked that about it. Also these two are great characters, two of my favorites, and I love seeing them be happy. It's also nice to read other people's versions of them, and you wrote them really well. great job. I'd love to read more, see what trouble these two got up to at the tower. but if that never happens, I'll still be happy with this chapter. well done :)
Samantha L. Riddle chapter 20 . 10/21/2018
Omg this chapter is so cute
redromanova chapter 19 . 9/20/2018
okay so this pairing was unexpected but also really cool. I LOVE victor have always loved victor, so reading this chapter for him was pretty awesome. I really liked the beginning and how he didn't hesitate to help Wanda, he just stepped in to do the right thing. I also enjoyed the way you wrote him, especially at the start. this line in particular stuck out: "what could he offer but death and pain?"

a very, very cool line in a really awesome chapter. (I also felt that it was strangely fitting for both of them. both wanda and victor have been surrounded by so much death and pain. so yeah, I love that line so so much. well done)

one of the things I really enjoy about this series is all the places it takes us. the different locations, different characters and timelines. And I really, really enjoyed going back to Sokovia with this chapter. when I started reading this, I wasn't sure when/where it was going to take us. Then suddenly we're back in Sokovia and the city is falling and there are robots. and just imagining Victor there was awesome. I love AOU, and I can't tell you how much I loved thinking about Victor there, kicking ass and just being awesome

Victor in Sokovia, in the AOU timeline, saving Clint? Taking the bullets? Protecting Pietro? Yes, yes, yessss. Also I really loved the line at the end ("I know you, I remember.") I just really like the idea that all of this time she remembered, the way he remembered her. Also I liked seeing that side of Victor, the side that could be a hero to Wanda, or just being a hero, without even realizing it. Loved this, well done!
akagami hime chan chapter 19 . 9/18/2018
ahhhh Pietro lives! I kinda really like this ship? your updates are always fun to read!
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