Reviews for Lost on Nosgoth
Tonnerre chapter 11 . 12/23/2008
The way you right is remarkable.I feel the tension in every word. I can see raziel's grin! I was sacred to read on for fear of Zephon. Nicely done.
Tonnerre chapter 8 . 12/23/2008
Damn I feel bad for Zephon. no wonder she leaves those guys. Antaris is such a power whore.
Tonnerre chapter 6 . 12/23/2008
Tonnerre chapter 3 . 12/22/2008
Rich Deep Voice...let me guess who that is -_-
Tonnerre chapter 2 . 12/22/2008
What a little Bad Ass freya is.

Though i'm certain this news won't sit well with Raziel.
Smoke chapter 5 . 1/6/2005
Wow, this fic is well-written and amazing. Why did I not stumble across it before. The woman is a little bit unlikely and overpowered, but almost believable. (It's got vampires, it's a fantasy, at least there's a good reason for her to be like that.) I'm going to have to read the rest later.
WillieHewes chapter 15 . 8/15/2004
Hm... cheese...

I must say, Seedy, you've really grown. I enjoyed this, but not nearly as much as your other stuff. The description's still there, but the action is just a bit... lame at times.

Also, I can't really forgive you for making Turel such a baddy. He's one of my favourites, dammit! Raziel sprouted wings because of what he was, because of destiny, not because of some blood demon thingy...

Humpf. Nonetheless, the story's still cool, and so I once again take my hat off to you.

I'm also kind of wondering where you're taking this...
Maz chapter 15 . 7/29/2004
As much as I love Raziel, I just couldn't skip the part where Kain takes his wings.

Right...onto the others now, and btw I just couldn't stop reading this, you're too good!

Is Turel ever 'not' an evil scheming bugger?

Lol, I look forward to the rest!
MoogleDee chapter 15 . 7/14/2003
Love the story Lilith, wonderfull integraton of an OC with the amazing story circulatiing the world of Nosgoth, I can't wait to read the other two stories now.
Raid-Scion-of-Randomness chapter 10 . 7/5/2003
so far it's been the most interesting story I've written here.

Congratulations are in order.

and please write many many more fics of this type, you've got a nack for it.
Shadowrayne chapter 15 . 4/23/2003
Woah. Cool. I always knew there was something in that cruel smirk on Turel's face in the intro (which i might add I've watch about a million and two times) I have at least one solid theory why...THAT ROCKED!
Shadowrayne chapter 9 . 4/22/2003
Shadowrayne chapter 5 . 4/22/2003
Cool story so far...If I Were Freya, I'dve joined Raziel...
Ethereal Blackmoon chapter 15 . 3/31/2003
Very nice. I have seen the SR1 intro a million-and-six times. Personally, I prefer Blood Omen 2 when Kain was more... evil. Tearing people's hearts out, snapping necks, puncturing vital parts... big fun. Hehehehe... Nice description, though, very good; "...the insensible form of his revered Lord to the edge of the chasm, his recently flaunted wings hanging in flaccid, bloody tatters at his back." Good, I have to say. Keep writing!
Kittie Darkhart chapter 15 . 3/16/2003
Raziel's execution, (sniff) gets me every time! I loved the explanation of how his evolution transpired. Indeed, Turel is loving every sweet moment of his brother's abrupt downfall.

I'm glad this story is far from over, because I was about to scream 'no'. Now that my moment of dismay is put aside, I can happily anticipate another wonderful chapter!
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