Reviews for Lily's Realization
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
Hi, this is amazing. Is there any possibility of there being more at any point? I love your writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5
Get that into your thick head, Lily
NatashaJaniphil chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
Lol on the last line.
So, I understand Lily is OOC slightly from cannon, if she isn't - that's your view. Cool. Taking that into consideration, your characterization is brilliant. Not a word about the marauders seems out of place. No SPaG errors noticed. Flow was nice, too.
Great story!
Embracethemess chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
This was so beautiful, and well written. I love this take on the boys relationships, and Sirius's home life, and how Lily starts to realize they aren't just a bunch of immature boys. Fantastic work!
Aurora chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
This was a good read. Poor Lily.
AMProngs chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
Lmao at the last sentence!
AnotherGirlWithAStory chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
I can't believe I haven't read this until now! I have to say that I agree with this image you paint of the Marauders. They are nothing less than heroes and I just love all of this. All of it! Everything from the way you describe their relationships because I love friendship between boys who aren't based around the idea that guys cannot show emotions and they need to hide underneath some kind of masculine... whatever I don't know how to explain it. But I love the friendship you give them! We need more characters written like this. I feel all giddy from reading this because I still don't get it :o I have read quite a few fics in which you've written about the Marauders but I still don't get how you are so good at describing them! Like seriously?

I just love it so so much. Yeah, I kinda wanna tell you that twenty times more but I'm going to settle for using the good old caps to EXPLAIN JUST HOW AMAZING THIS IS AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF xD

Thanks for sharing this :)
The Cinder Crown chapter 1 . 4/7/2017
Haha, I laughed so mich at the 'habit of falling asleep at 10pm' line! (Which reminds me of my best friendxD) all in all, I think this was an interesting story! I really liked the fact that you decided tontell everything from Lily's point of view. And taking in consideration that she doesn't really know about them being animagi, I like that she still tries to make sense out of their loose sentences. To be honest, I'm more the kind of girl that likes reading a lot of dialogue, but surprisingly, I really enjoyed this even though it had a lot of prose. But you have a really good writing style to keep it interesting! I was wondering about what would have caused injuries like that and I'm glad that you explained it with their little trip to hagrid (bless his creativity for naming his creatures XD) and the junior death eater ambush! I also think you did a good job making the full circle with the last reference to Lily being happy about being the 'good' girl. Nicely written! Lexi
Raven of the Shadows chapter 1 . 4/4/2017
Firstly, sorry for the eons-late review :(

Now, moving on to the business: This was an interesting story! Lily started out as a flat character—a goody two-shoes, might I say—and I felt I won't like this story much. But as it progressed, was I proved wrong?! Seriously, great job with character development on Evans there!

I loved the detailing in your fic, I loved the Marauders, and you wrote the Death Eaters-in-training brilliantly! I think this is the first fic where justice has been done to the darker side of Snape and his mates—he's usually shown either being a victim of /bully/ Marauders or having a pity-party on how he didn't get the girl he loved. Yeah, he joined the light side later but not because he thought the dark was wrong—he did that just because Voldy killed the object of his obsession.

The pace of the story was steady. Again, I thought I wouldn't like a single night stretched out in over 5.5K words, and again you proved me wrong xD

I think my favourite scene would be the healing one. It was so gorgeously written, I could hear each character speaking their part, groaning in pain. Hey, I could even picture their expressions—you did that great job here! :) I especially loved the work you did with Morgana's staff. I didn't see that coming at all, but for some reason I didn't have to stretch my imagine too wide to believe you there.

I didn't spot any SPaG setbacks to the flow, though, to be honest, I wasn't looking for them with how tangled up I was in the plot. And this is the second time I read this fic. So, honestly, great job!

Happy Writing! :)
Kittenshift17 chapter 1 . 3/23/2017
Good story.
Sparky She-Demon chapter 1 . 3/23/2017
Good work. I really like this story!
HP Slash Luv chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
I've never read a story like this.
Lily started off being sheltered and pretty one-dimensional, with one dimensional views of life. As the story progressed, we can see her world view shift as she realized not everything was black and white.
It was really a natural progress, and I enjoyed how you wrote her shift. It was realistic and her thought processes were hilarious.
There were a few SPaG mistakes. For example, [stay up late on a thursday]. 'Thursday' should be capitalized. There were also some missing words and commas littered here and there, but there wasn't anything too drastic in the error department.
I loved the details you paid to the injuries and the healing because most writers gloss over that kind of thing, but the details made it even more real and vivid in my mind.
Good story.
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Absolutely fucking brilliant! possibly best action marauders story I have ever read, and fantastic writing and dialogue. Great story!
NotesFromAnne chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Great story, I loved it! Wonderful Marauders and wonderful characterizations!

(And I actually jump in excitation whenever I get a notification from ffn that you posted another story :))
Guest chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Good story. While I don't hate Snape, I'm always baffled as to how people portray him as such a victim and everyone else was spoiled. Sirius and Regulus were abused and indoctrinated from birth to hate muggles, and yet broke free. Snape at least saw Lily's normal, loving parents from a young age. And the cutting curse in the lake scene...well I saw it a different way than canon Harry in the book. Was it mean and over the top for the Marauders to prank him like that? Sure. But it wasn't out of the blue..people pants each other all the time. However, Snape throwing a dark curse in response is a way over the top reaction. He had a right to fight back, but that was so wrong.