Reviews for Moonlight Destiny
SaiyanPrince541 chapter 17 . 7/25
Hey Jiita! Hope you're doing well! I'm hearing it's been a little rough for you these days! Hang tight, my friend, hang tight! Wishing you all the best! Stay safe! :)
VegetaBulma Fan chapter 33 . 7/24
I'm sorry you feel this way. Look your stroy is wonderful because you made it. You took time out of your life to type out this story and share it with others. Nobody asked you to do this and nobody is paying you either. It is true not everybody is going to like your stories but don't let that stop you. Take JK Rowlings to this day people are still giving her a hard time about Harry Potter. And don't even get me started on Steven King XD

That point is don't let a couple of negative reviews stop you from doing what you love but again it is your desicion I can't stop you. However it would be a shame to me and all of your other readers to never read any more of your work.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

To: BlackLady2648
Who do you think you are! No more is making you read this. If you want to read smut than go read it somewhere else. I'd like to see you write a fanfic. Oh that's right you probably can't because you are an illiterate untalented sex obessed shank. You probably have cobwebs in your hooch because no sane man would ever touch your trashy ass. Because you need plotless thoughtless trash in order to get yourself off. You want porn so badly than go to a porn site.

Oh by the way in you didn't know. There is a new rule on this site that you can't post anything too graphic or else your account will get deleted.
FireStorm1991 chapter 30 . 7/17
Finally got to read this chapter. It was great to see Vegeta and Bulma reconcile. At least she knows he still cares. And now everyone is getting ready for battle. Twins? Welp, wasn't expecting that, but Bulma better start eating. The babies need food!
pokegirl0238 chapter 32 . 7/13
This is my favorite fanfic of all time. It’s just so fascinating how the characters act and have their own developments and such.
Jiitari chapter 1 . 7/8
Bella: I have another fic inspired by 'Moon Embracing the Sun' as well. It's like an alternate fic of this fanfic. It only has one chapter as of now because I was trying to finish this one first so I won't get the ideas mixed up.

Thank you so much for your interest and I'm hoping you'll love it. (Aside from MDBC, there are also scenes inspired from various Kdramas here.) Please do leave a review.

Bella chapter 1 . 7/8
Thank you very much for the answer! That one was terrific I remember she passed as an eneuch! lol Kim Yoo-jung is an incredible actress even when she was just a child, queen of sageuks! I cannot wait to start reading your fanfic, I'm a huge fan of both vegebul and kdramas.

ps: also Kim Soo-hyun made his return in "It's Okay not to be Okay" and did you ever watch Scarlet Heart? It was my first sageuk alongside Empress ki.
Jiitari chapter 1 . 7/8
Bella: This fanfic is mainly inspired by Love in the Moonlight/Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, but there are some scenes here that's also inspired by other Kdramas too. Also, the title: 'Moonlight Destiny' is the same title as Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' first Episode. :)

I am a big fan of Park Bo-gum and Kim Soo-hyun. I also love watching Sageuk K-dramas too.
Bella chapter 1 . 7/8
Mmmh... I'm about to start this story, I am a big fan of kdramas, but... by the title I don't get from which sageuk it was actually inspired? Did you mean Moon Embracing the Sun? eventually? Or the one starring Park bo geum?
Guest chapter 32 . 6/30
Epic chapter! Poor Vegeta and Broly... Hope everything will end fine.
Kaeru0728 chapter 32 . 6/18
I binged read this for the past couple of days and I loved every single moment of it! It's written wonderfully! It has perfected all the elements of romance, drama, comedy, action, suspense, horror and psychothriller as well. I always loved the twists and turns you make. You are such an amazing writer and I believe you are doing great in this story. You deserve all the love and the awards it got. Please continue writing and I will be waiting for you to finish this.
Kaeru0728 chapter 1 . 6/14
I missed this story a lot. I remember reading this as A Love Destined By the Moon and the Stars and I didn't know you changed the title! I would love to read it again! Love it so much!
Guest chapter 32 . 6/14
Amazing stuff you got here
Guest chapter 32 . 6/14
Love it
Guest chapter 32 . 6/13
What an epic story this is! Truly amazing fight scenes, tear-jerking drama and stomach-hurting comedy!
Yogummi chapter 32 . 6/12
Astounding fight between Vegeta and Freeza! And the plot twist! It's definitely wise of Freeza to use Vegeta's overconfidence and pride to his own advantage, much like how Cell manipulated the same weakness of the Prince to gain an upper hand and turn the tides of battle. Has the prophecy changed now that Freeza turned the tables in his favor? I didn't expect for Broly to be hiding his true strength all this time. Perhaps Kakarot was correct last chapter he was hiding his full power in order not to damage Vegeta's pride. But then... He could probably gain a considerable amount of power increase after Vegeta healed him. Also, I love the scene of the SSG ritual. The Saiyan girl Vegeta helped in the lantern festival is among the five Saiyans who gave their power to him in order for him to ascend. How sweet. She is training so she can serve Vegeta once he's become King. I hope she becomes close to his children one day. Oooh! Broly is sacrificing himself to protect Vegeta? It is exactly the same as what was told to Paragus when they were children. No! He catches Freeza's supernova! I hope Broly could push it away. I don't want him to die, although I already have a bad feeling about this because of the seer Paragus consulted years ago. It seems Vegeta and Broly's fates were interchanged somewhat! If he dies, I'm sure it's going to be a turning point for Paragus to regret his evil ways.

Great chapter as always! Take care always and keep safe, my friend!
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