Reviews for The Choices We Have to Make
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 33 . 7/9/2017
Okay, I am ready for book four now! I understand what Rose has done but I have to wonder if she needed to go that far back. I hope you have a good time and stay safe while you are away. I will be keeping an eye out for The Way We Were.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 29 . 7/5/2017
I stay off my computer for one day and you give me three chapters to read! Even with protection, it can happen, so Rose should take care of herself and find a safe place to raise the child. If that isn't Ferngully, then she should visit from time to time. That way, Pips gets to know his nephew/niece. As for Crysta, she just needs to be willing to wait. However, I can understand her worries and hope that she can wait now that she knows what it is about. Also, I can understand that Pips wants to be the strong one and never cry in front of her but one day he might need to let her see him be week. If not that, then he might be caught by her at one point and be already crying. Hopefully that won't lead to more trouble.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 26 . 7/4/2017
Time travel works! I am so glad that Pips was able to save Crysta. I am also glad that he didn't keep it a secret from her. Rose is dealing with the repercussions of that. I hope Carrie and Bobby can stay at Pips' and I hope Rai is found and ends up dead, just like he was in the other timeline.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 25 . 7/3/2017
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Crysta has to be revived in the next chapter... Or maybe everyone only thinks she is dead. Rai was the who needed to be shot, not Crysta. I want the next chapter right now but I will wait. At least Rai is dead.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 24 . 7/3/2017
Since Rai is currently looking for Carrie, Crysta should be safe. However, that doesn't mean that he won't take an unexpected opportunity. Pips needs to grab his stuff and go after her. As for Rose and Damian... Rose should tell him everything. Secrets are not a good thing to have in a relationship.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 23 . 7/2/2017
I have the small feeling that there is going to be a suicide attempt in the next chapter but maybe Zak, or someone else, will save Treena. She needs to find her someone before she does something she will regret, or can't undo. I also want to see Zak fight Rai and win. He is why Tamsyn is hurting her kids. Although, I think I would die before I hurt a child.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 21 . 7/1/2017
I don't mind a story being dark, just as long as there is also light in the story. Life has both, so our stories must also have both. I am glad that Fern stopped Zak and tried to help him. I am also glad that someone was able to reassure Crysta that Pips didn't Treena to kiss him. I think that both Zak and Treena took things too far but also have reasons that can be understood. They will both find someone, someday, and that someone won't be with someone else.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 20 . 6/30/2017
I'm glad Father Ash only asked Lilly to leave. He could have yelled at her, told her to leave the forest, or even gotten violent. Thankfully he just asked her to leave and admitted that he needed time. I'm also glad that Wil and Rose were able to break up without hurting each other. Now Wil just has to fix things with Lilly. Zac has someone out there but I don't know who and he will need to figure out what to do now that his mom is gone.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 18 . 6/30/2017
I want to just be able to refresh this page and see the next button be on the right of the selection box you use to jump to another chapter. However, I doubt that would work and I'm not expecting you to be that fast with chapters. Rai needs to die before he can do more damage and now I have to wonder about the guards. Were all ten killed/K.O. or did Rai manage to escape without having to deal with them. Either way, it just proves that you should listen to your gut and check on things when someone else mentions that they have a bad feeling.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 17 . 6/28/2017
I am loving all of the twist and I hope you can get a new job. It might take up your writing time but it is important.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 16 . 6/26/2017
I think honestly I'm more angry with Zak then Treena. I understand some of the reasoning behind the actions of both characters but I still hate the actions. Rai should be glad that he never met his dad but it is because of that, that he doesn't want to believe the horrible truth. I have to agree with you on the idea of people having reasons for their actions, without everyone knowing them. For that mater, people also act differently to the same problem. It all comes down to what they have been through and how their mind processes it.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 14 . 6/21/2017
I'm glad that it isn't too late for Carrie, or Bobby, but the elders still need to do something. At least they are looking into it. I fear what Treena will do to herself, or others, to get what she wants. She is turning into a psyco-bitch. It can be fun to see what they will do but I always hate those characters. Thankfully it's the good kind of hate, so don't change the character.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 12 . 6/18/2017
Just hopefully the wait won't make it too late for anyone. Pips is right, the Elders should be told, just like the police should be told about family abuse. They are the ones with the athority to stop it. All the same, for once I am glad Treena showed up at Pip's.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 11 . 6/15/2017
I'm sorry that I haven't reviewed the last couple of chapters. I hope Carrie will be alright. I also hope that Angel isn't another girl that Zac has been leading on. An ex is alright but not another girl that he has been using. Now that I think about it, this whole thing about Carrie missing could be a good way for pips to find out about the abusive family she comes from.
Storm Dragon Wolf Princess chapter 8 . 5/4/2017
I have never thought of Wil being with Rose but, I now see how Wil is similar to Damien and it might be what Rose needs. Treena is right about the fact that her plight won't make Pips want her more. However, not saying something can make her seam like an accomplice. As for you last question, I don't have an answer or any thoughts on it.
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