Reviews for Heroes and Overlords
Jena chapter 16 . 5/25
Oh man I hope you can update this because it's been a year. Your writing hooked me from the start, making this a tale told by your OC who is not originally part of Nazarick. Yet now he is purely by circumstance and necessity on his part. I read this in one day it was so good.
So, we're getting to the part where Sebas rescues Tsuare, and the consequences thereof. How will Haon react to what Ainz does to ensure Sebas's loyalty? Or will be be away with working on his reputation and miss the show? Which would probably be for the best as I can't see Haon not trying to interfere, even though he shut up about the plans for the lizardmen.
Anyway, I do hope you come back to this. If not, then thank you for what you have posted, as I thoroughly enjoyed this but am sad that there is no more.
Dorben chapter 3 . 11/6/2019
So is he level 100 or naw?
Guest chapter 16 . 11/3/2019
I hope this is going to get updated
Darth Authorr chapter 16 . 7/16/2019
Please update, i hate cliffhangers
vulcunniko chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
are you coming back anytime soon?
lo chapter 11 . 3/26/2019
mop chapter 16 . 3/14/2019
plz come back! i needz more haon!
O chapter 16 . 3/4/2019
PLZZZZ! Don't be dead!
vulcunniko chapter 16 . 3/3/2019
y u no update?
Scarabeye3000 chapter 14 . 2/7/2019
Tom2011 chapter 16 . 2/5/2019
You’ve got interesting character and I want to learn what happened next. Thanks for story.
RedWyrmLord chapter 16 . 1/14/2019
Awesome chapter! I love this story so much. Oh boy Haon, you just opened a can of worms...
Super98 chapter 16 . 1/14/2019
Awesome, love it!
Enmar chapter 16 . 1/13/2019
Good chapter, glad to have ye back!
Logan chapter 15 . 1/12/2019
"Shalltear was looking for you." Aura said, keeping her grin. She wants to talk with you about the Brides."

Run Forest ruuun!
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