Reviews for Probably Not Actually Flowers
orionastro chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
very good story no doubt, if you can please continue with beautiful romantic stories about them.
BerRyy chapter 1 . 5/12/2017
awww i love it! i hope ull continue this story
ErenTitanYeager chapter 1 . 3/25/2017
So cute. & sweet.
Joely P chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
First of all: I was so happy to see a new story from you.
And it was wonderful! I haven't even seen the show, (just read the comics back in the early 90s) and I totally didn't have to to appreciate this - though you've definitely made me want to. A very sweet, interesting and overall delightful story, and even though I don't know them, I can tell you're doing the characters so well.
gleeville chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
I really hope this is not a one shot cuz I need more! Loves it!
TVTime chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Oh my gosh! I'm so excited to see this story! I've been keeping an eye out for it since you mentioned it and I'm so thrilled it's here!

I'm also really delighted that Jughead is asexual in this story. I was wondering if you'd tweak his sexuality or something, but this worked perfectly IMO and it makes things so much more nuanced and involved. I wonder if Jughead might be demisexual. Although, of course, I suppose that's what he needs to figure out with Archie!

Anyway, absolutely adorable, heartfelt, and all around awesome!

Also, Archie is just the sweetest in this story!