Reviews for Foreteller Fun
somibel chapter 11 . 7/16
Ahahaha! I loved that. Ira and Ava’s debate, their confusion over the costumes, and finally, the MoM burning Ira. That part got me the most XD. Great story, great chapter!
Epiclot214 chapter 11 . 7/15
Good to see this story updated with such an amusing chapter, especially with the acknowledgement of bizzare attire. Also, the Master of Master really gave Ira quite a burn. Can't wait to see what's next.
Guest Person chapter 10 . 2/21
Aaaaw, this is a cute story. Tbh, I actually haven't played all of the KH games XP. I just look at spoilers... Then avoid some spoilers so I can surprise myself for other games... Huh. Moving on.

As for suggestions... How about something where one of the Trios go back in time and meet the Foretellers? I think that'd be cute.

Even though that's totally unrealistic XP That would make this an AU story, not a prequel story.
invaderhorizongreen chapter 10 . 12/17/2019
This was a wonderfully fun read, I hope for another chapter soon.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/8/2019
i've got an idea for a fanfic for you to create, it's based on deviantart's alice in wonderland ar, ar-kayn art, and kingdom hearts and final fantasy age regression stories, hear me out: after a freak accident involving a damaged star shard and time spell training, kairi, xion, and namine are not only stranded on a forested world, but turned into babies while retaining their adolescent minds, but sometimes lose control and lapse into babyish behaviors. They end up crawling through the forest for awhile while trying to come up with a way to turn themselves back to normal, until one of the girls bumps into someone, who turns out to be black mage lulu (ffx and x-2 character), who happens to be one of yen sid's former students. The girls were scared of her at first because of how she looks, until one of them musters up the courage to speak to her (but because they can't talk, only those with powerful magic like lulu can understand them), that's when they realize that she is a kind and motherly person, who takes them back to where she lives in order to care for them and help figure out how to transform back. In the meantime, adjusting to being a baby again (Kairi) and being babies for the first time (Namine and Xion) has been trying time for them, though they retained their mature minds, they sometimes loose control and lapse into babyish behaviors as mentioned before, but embarrassing to them is diaper change (baby wipes, powder, oil; disposable and cloth (safety pins, tying sides together, snap-on buttons) diapers). As embarassing and uncomfortable the issue is, Lulu's careful and gentle routine of changing their diapers and never teasing them about it made them feel comfortable about her. She dotes and listens to what the girls say and develops a bond with the girls. Namine especially adores her and vice versa, being that they're both misunderstood and knew what it felt like, and namine wanted to know what it was like to have a mother and being babied by one, comes to like being cradled with lulu in a rocking chair feeding her a bottle while she sings to her, try on some clothes, attention, and being taken care of. This bond must be because lulu once had a baby and took care of a young sorceress (rinoa) and a certain fairy trio. Meanwhile, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Axel, Riku, Aqua, Roxas, Ven, and King Mickey, along with Leon, Rinoa, Tifa, Yuffie, Aerith, and Cloud search for them taking in a tip from yen sid and rinoa to go to Lulu's world and ask for her help in finding them because of her abilities, along they way, they find the gullwings who are going to the same world to meet up with their "big sis" and the guardians of light and gullwings travel together, unbeknownst to the guardians, lulu is the one the girls are visiting and is the one the guardians are seeking. it's a bit of a stretch but plz consider. peace.
Epiclot214 chapter 10 . 11/8/2019
Read it as soon as it appeared on my notifications. Loved it. Can't wait for the next one.
Epiclot214 chapter 9 . 11/7/2019
After Kingdom Hearts 3, I'm gonna have trouble seeing these Foretellers the same as before, especially Luxu.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/26/2017
Haha! These one-shots are so cute! I love seeing the Foretellers behaving like family! Update soon!
Anonymous chapter 8 . 7/6/2017
I would like to see the foretellers, luxu, and M.o.M meet (or at least observe) Sora.
Fangirling Heart chapter 4 . 5/6/2017
I love those one-shots, they're hilarious!
miano53 chapter 4 . 4/14/2017
Oh lordy, that won't end well...
miano53 chapter 3 . 4/14/2017
I lol'd at the Alice in Wonderland reference. That would explain why the Mad Hatter was trying to fix a watch with pickles and jam.
ZadArchie chapter 5 . 4/6/2017
I believe one of your reviewers was right. Accepting requests through reviews instead of through PMs makes this story inherently interactive, and violates the Terms of Service we all agreed to when we signed up for accounts. I appreciate that you are taking the time to make that change by indicating in your recent author's notes that you accept suggestions via PM now. However, that doesn't change what you already have. To fix this, you'd probably have to delete then reupload this so that the admins didn't know you got these first few suggestions from reviews.

Critics United
Guest chapter 5 . 4/4/2017
Hello I really liked this one, please keep writing.
Romy350 chapter 5 . 4/3/2017
Oh my light! I didn't expect the chapter was going to be about my idea this time! well, i do have more on my head xD. i will for sure PM you about it later, I just can't help but love the idea of young apprentices and the MoM, i did love how you tell it so well then in some moments i will tell on PM what I have in mind! i love the detail at the end! haha I admit i laugh of the fact young Invi win young Ira and Aced, well if Ava was able to with the love potion I wonder... better add that on the PM! you did it great the chapter, keep that amazing work -
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