Reviews for In Secret
lovespirita chapter 1 . 11/24/2019
I was really invested in these kids and I couldn't handle any of them being hurt and killed.
lovespirita chapter 10 . 11/24/2019
This story is sad those poor kids I'm so upset
RosemaryMarie96 chapter 37 . 6/7/2019
I have to say that this story broke my heart. I loved it so much. Thank you for writing it and sharing it!
Guest chapter 37 . 12/7/2017
This story is so underrated. Wow! Such a great read
JGio23 chapter 1 . 12/8/2017
Writing this with tears still rolling down my face! What a wonderfully written, bitterly sad and original story! I felt every emotion reading your work. Thank you for sharing your gift!
mayathesiren23 chapter 1 . 10/7/2017
very nice! I'm eagerly awaiting more.
Levy-loves-licks chapter 26 . 9/28/2017
Please no more cliff hangers, you're killing me. Please update again soon I love this story.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
Addendum: To clarify what I meant when I said 'took me too long to read this', I meant that it took me too long to stop being a procrastinating bastard and sit down to read this story. That was a fault on my end solely, and not on the story's end. Should've worded that part better, I apologize.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 23 . 9/24/2017
Alright then, I said I'd review, so time to get started: Took too long for me to read this, but I'm glad I finally got to it. I'm pleased as punch that you did a sequel focusing on this idea, 'cause I've never seen something like this before in a Fairy Tail fanfic. Kudos right off the bat for originality, much as I like Gajeel and Levy oriented fics; I've noticed in the past there seemed to almost be a cookie-cutter structure they followed. Usually involving Gajeel being angsty and depressed about what he did, self-loathing, yada-yada, they have eight children now. Hard to explain, whatever fuck it, I'm trying to say that the relationship Gajeel 'n Levy has is portrayed in a refreshing way.

They work well together, the absence of Gajeel angsting about his actions ad nauseum is a welcome change. The fact Gajeel brought Levy into the fold, and recruited her to help him train his adorable little minions works greatly in the story's favor. I'd of been annoyed greatly if Gajeel was able to teach them all how to read from the get-go, or taught them nuances about their magic like it was nothing. That, or just spend half the story struggling greatly with it, when there's a walking blue-haired encyclopedia he went Passion of the Christ on who can help.

I was concerned that their relationship was going to take over the plot of the story, and Gajeel's minions were going to get pushed off to the side and practically ignored; glad to see that was unfounded. While I am happy that the OC minions are getting limelight and screen-time to develop; I hope Ryos will get some more background and fleshing out soon. His relationship with Gajeel pre-GMG was vague at best, he seemingly hates Gajeel as well. I'd like to learn more about just what Gajeel did to him so much, and see how Gajeel would handle it.

Gajeel not wanting to tell anyone else in Fairy Tail about them, and his bond with them is understandable, and something I really like. It's even better that he doesn't trust Fairy Tail enough with this secret, fearing someone would be a rat bitch and have the Council or authorities get involved. This makes sense given how many years he'd spent with Phantom Lord, and presumably how Metallica or whatever his name was raised him. Plus, this isn't long after Phantom Lord if I'm not mistaken? Him trusting Fairy Tail with it immediately would've been detrimental to the story, me thinks.

His bond with his ducklings makes sense, as he was abandoned by Metallica or whatever his name was, and abandoned before then. The only major complaint I have is that the perspective changing needs to be labeled. I've had several occasions where I have no idea whose view-point we're seeing. When Levy was sparring with Fitz, I thought it was Gajeel until she mentioned her tiny body. It's even worse when it goes from Gajeel, straight to Levy with no indicator other than some asterisks or a divider bar, when it stays in the same perspective in other chapters with scene changes.

All in all, I've found another addition to my favorites! Yay. I've gotta stop making these so fucking long...


-Svane Vulfbad
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 9 . 9/23/2017
Took me too long, but now I am reading this, yay. I'll TRY to have a proper review out once I get caught up. I think indication for when the POV changes would be beneficial, it's irritating when it changes and I am left in the dark, but other than that; I am pleased as punch to be reading this finally.
lulu3392 chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
Great story so far! I literally made an account just to keep updated on new chapters lol. And your user name gets me on a very deep emotional level lol
tacosama787 chapter 15 . 8/13/2017
bless you and your writing abilities. This is some of the best fanfic ive ever read!
Where'sTheFood chapter 18 . 6/25/2017
so sweet! aww the kiss was wonderful and i love how much the kids like Levy
GaLe for life chapter 17 . 6/20/2017
I love this please keep going.
Where'sTheFood chapter 1 . 6/19/2017
owww this is so adorable! they are so in love! I really can't get enough of these dorks
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