Reviews for Hello, Goodbye
ladylibre chapter 19 . 6/5
WOW. I really hope you're able to finish this story because I've really enjoyed what I read so far.

Thanks for sharing this much :)
ladylibre chapter 10 . 6/5
Baby steps... I like it.
ladylibre chapter 9 . 6/5
Wow. Just wow. I am HOOKED.

(By the way, I'm also a HUGE fan of 90s country music, so when they danced to "Strawberry Wine," my heart about fell out of my chest. The perfect song for that moment on soooo many levels.)
ladylibre chapter 8 . 6/5
WHOA. So that happened. Can't wait to see how they deal with the aftermath.
ladylibre chapter 7 . 6/5
These two... UGH, they're killing me in the best way.

You are so good.
ladylibre chapter 6 . 6/5
Ooooooooh, I think I know who was driving that truck!

The plot thickens...
ladylibre chapter 5 . 6/5
Oh, man... this is so good. And so, so bad.
ladylibre chapter 4 . 6/5
Oh, Edward... *falls to my knees and wails*
ladylibre chapter 3 . 6/5
Oh, wow... Bella's story is heartbreaking. And I miss Papa C :)
ladylibre chapter 2 . 6/5
OOOOOH... can't wait to hear her story!

And Rose is my favorite character of the saga, so I'm loving her already :)
ladylibre chapter 1 . 6/5

Your prose is so lyrical and expressive. Just beautifully written.
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 8 . 5/3
Also cause I forgot to point this out... Bella moves in with another dude, who she had sex with and they took care of his sons so for 5 years or so, she was living with another dude and raising his son.

THAT SHOULD MAKE EDWARD HATE HER MORE, but in chapter 9, it did not. It was pointless exposition dump that Edward didn't even react too... In the very next chapter.. Edward is trying to take a step to renew their relationship, EDWARD IS. HORRID, horrid plot writing.
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 9 . 5/3
Bella's story should in fact reinvigorate Edward's hate for her. But it's not cause your Bella is a marysue, get left a portion of something she has never put work in, is accepted back by everyone with hardly a ill word spoken to her, and when it is, it's by Edward who gets punched or reprimanded each time.

I'm just gonna stop reading. Cause honestly if situations were reversed, Edward would be the town whipping boy, they'd take turns kicking his ass. It's honestly funny, Jasper is all about being mature when it's about being 'mean' to Bella. Dude get the fuck out of here.
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 1 . 4/18
I'm sitting here reading... Why the fuck would she get left a portion of property she has put ZERO work into? Can you imagine putting in so much work on something your whole life only to get fucked over like this by your parents..

I would make the person the portion went to life's a living hell as long as I could. I would even curse my parent who fucked me over like that. That's bull shit.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/28
Will this be completed?
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