Reviews for A Very Good Brother
I Am A Difference Maker chapter 4 . 2/24/2019
Oh, my gosh, I appreciate how in-character this was. :D Also, this was just the perfect amount of fluff that I needed rn, so thanks for sharing!
Anonymous chapter 4 . 5/21/2017
That made me cry. Wonderfully written!
xtin2000 chapter 4 . 3/3/2017
oh my God this is seriously beautiful! wow I really really love how you write Mycroft and Sherlock! I love how you understand Mycroft so deeply! so so so well done!
JolieBlack chapter 4 . 2/16/2017
Ooooh! This story is SUCH a gem. Brilliant, utterly brilliant, all the way round. I'm torn between laughing with delight and sheddings tears, I'm so touched right now.

This conversation between the two brothers has SO been waiting to happen for four seasons now - no, a lifetime, really. And you give us a marvellous version of what it should be like. I love how Sherlock analyses his brother, with so few words, but so poignantly. And Mycroft has nothing to say against it, because he knows it's true.

But the lead-up to this final chapter was great, too. Eurus chilled me to the heart, especially with the "it's really Christmas" line that harks back so darkly to HLV. It's hard to imagine how anyone can be so clever as to trick even Sherlock and Mycroft, but with your Eurus, I can definitely see it. Chapter 3 is also a great resolution to the still unanswered question how and why exactly the Moriarty broadcast happened at exactly that moment.

Mary in chapter 2 made me smile throughout, she was so very much herself.

And I was thrilled to get a glimpse of the enigmatic Uncle Rudi in chapter 1. I'd really love to know more about him! And what a burden it must have been for Mycroft, first to share and then to take over looking after Eurus. Loved "nephew mine", too! I really like the idea of Rudi as a mentor figure for Mycroft. Maybe he was the British Government before Mycroft, and introduced him to that world?

At any rate, this is easily one of the best season 4-stories I've read so far, and needless to say, we'll be honoured to include this story in the BBC "Sherlock" for Canon Addicts collection! Thank you for letting us have it!

And keep the good stuff coming! :)
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 4 . 2/5/2017
I almost cried, it was sad and touching :') Brilliant story, I love it.
DarqueQueen7 chapter 4 . 2/5/2017
A wonderful quartet! And, of course, I love the ending. Thank you for a great read. D.
gopadfoot chapter 4 . 2/4/2017
I loved this scene! I've long thought that Sherlock was pretty ungrateful to his brother. Any chance you could add more scenes to this story?
gopadfoot chapter 3 . 2/4/2017
I love your take on Mycroft's relationship with his sister. This is an original idea about how Moriarty appeared at just the right time to save Sherlock.
thebookworm333 chapter 4 . 2/3/2017
beautiful. loved it
Glorytommy chapter 4 . 2/3/2017
Ah... You just tore up my insides. This was beautiful. Well done.
youreconfusingme chapter 4 . 2/3/2017
Oh, brilliantly written! The way you wrote the characters is very much on point, and I am inclined to believe that all this is canon.
Keep it up! I hardly read FanFictions with this much honesty and faithfulness to its original version.