Reviews for The Wandering One
Maxine chapter 1 . 4/10
" 'Dear Child, the Valar have always loved you and always will.' "

I don't know why, but this line put tears in my eyes the moment I read them.
Lydwina Marie chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
Oh, this was really sad. :/ I love Maglor, and this was really good! I liked how Gandalf was blowing smoke rings at the beginning, lol. Great job!
lemoncelloismyname chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
I really enjoyed reading this, especially Mithrandir's sarcastic comments. It was nice to read an optimistic Maglor-based fic for a change, and I believe you did a fantastic job :)
Lady Wednesday chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
I love my Maglor stories, so thank you so much for writing this! I know I'll be back to this story again soon :)
earthdragon chapter 1 . 2/1/2017
I don't know why you would think this story is terrible just because it wasn't beta'd – possibly you are unnecessarily fishing for compliments.

I have read many stories on this site that purport to have been checked by a Beta, only to find them full of basic errors that should have been spotted had the story been checked properly.

However, not only is your story imaginative, but also very well written – good grammar, punctuation and spelling. Despite their heinous crimes, I have grown rather fond of Maedhros and Maglor, and I think you capture Maglor’s tortured personality perfectly.
Sophia the Scribe chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
Lovely story! I really like how you conveyed Maglor's state of mind, and Mithrandir's words to him were very fitting. Good work! Blessings, Sophia the Scribe