Reviews for The Art of Losing
sanasings chapter 8 . 2/27/2018
Absolutely amazing! There were so many emotions flunc about, and they came through exceptionally well, to the point that I felt them on a physical level. Loved your writing and how you molded the story of "Anastasia to fit the characters.
Moonlight M3lody chapter 1 . 6/20/2017
I am at loss of words because it's just too beautiful, too ethereal, and the way you write is too much like a dream that would fade in any given minute, fragile and precious.
It's painful and weirdly warped and I might have screamed somewhere for all the self-loathing and the pull and push but they are also oddly fitting...and now I am rambling. Maka got a bit too fiery at times, angry when there's no reason to, while Soul got flippant in the most random of pattern, like he's a borderline. Otherwise, it's perfect. Love your portrayal of Spirit. Blake is brilliant. Unfortunately he has to be off-screen for the most part. I'd be sure to like reading him meeting Soul, getting to know the person who had given his foster sister a last name, finally. Now checking out all your other fics. I would only read them much later, though, after all the lingering feelings from this one subsides. Afterall, losing is an art, isn't it?
alice chapter 8 . 6/12/2017
Ahhh this is PRECIOUS
sahdah chapter 2 . 5/24/2017
awweh. this chapter had many sweet moments the best, however, was him helping kin the bakery. the fact that he'd spent his birthday busing tables.. great start to a heart felt story 333
Guest chapter 8 . 3/31/2017
I don't usually take the time to read fics over 20k in one sitting, but I just marathoned this and watched my heart break and come back together again in the span of an hour. BEAUTIFULLY written, and I love your interpretation of Anastasia! Thank you for writing, I love love love this.
Nori-Wings chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
I wanted to read your fanfic for so long and finally I had time to do it
it's gorgeous, so gorgeous and you are an amazing writer!

I was reading when I was traveling in the car and I totally immersed in the story after the first chapter, then I put on my headphones to ignore the world and just to read how Soul and Maka's relationship was growing and how they discovered the past to build a future together

The penultimate chapter made me cry, and it's going to sound weird but I liked haha
It's just that I like that type of scenes, when one of them lose the other but then has the chance to fix everything and finally be happy, and you wrote it splendidly (that kiss scene is pure perfection)
I loved it.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us, I really enjoyed it
Of heartmates and soulbeats chapter 8 . 2/11/2017
This has rustled a dormant part of my heart and good God, it's was achingly beautiful.
I have so mant favourite lines, so many phrases I want eched on my skin. This has been painful yet cathartic. The joy of a happy future after a lifetime of suffering was the cherry on the top.
I love this, I love Anastasia and this was an amazing AU. Thank you for writing this.
Professor Maka chapter 8 . 2/10/2017
I had the complete pleasure of betaing this, of watching it grow, and I've been meaning to review it for awhile. Let me do so now.

This is a fantastic read. The slow build of Soul and Maka's relationship, one that parallels and is intertwined with the slow unfolding of the past is so well done. I enjoyed watching the interactions grow, watching their feelings unfold-I was so invested that the last several chapters were completely riveting.

As usual, your characterization was fantastic, and you have a way with imagery I can only envy. This fic is an absolute treat, and I hope it gains the attention it deserves-anyone who hasn't taken the time to read it is missing out.
Juliastes chapter 8 . 2/1/2017
OMG. I hesitate around AUs, especially ones based upon another story. But. MindBlown. I was all 8 notifications in my inbox for a new story from you, and I sincerely couldn't put it down. This is a masterpiece. This kind of writing and pacing and storytelling lives up to the bay set by professional writers. While the story was generally predictable, I didn't anticipate the heated intensity. If you ever want to write more like this, I'll do my best to read it.
Brie chapter 8 . 1/31/2017
When I said I wasn't emotionally ready for this ending, I really wasn't. You gave me such an emotional roller-coaster, it's insane. These last 2 chapters were incredible. I couldn't stop reading them, because I wanted to know how it ended. I wanted to know that everything would turn out ok. Your writing is amazing and I love how you develop the characters. 3
Brie chapter 6 . 1/31/2017
I don't think I'm emotionally ready for the end of this fic, I swear. It's really well written. I can really feel Maka's frustration with Soul
Brie chapter 5 . 1/31/2017
Good chapter! Your writing makes me hurt it's so good
Brie chapter 4 . 1/31/2017
Their interactions kill me and I just want them together. I really like how you're developing the characters and their backgrounds!
Brie chapter 3 . 1/31/2017
I honestly love how you're writing their interactions. You give me such a range of emotions. I feel Maka's frustration when Soul becomes distant and farther. I feel her happiness when he asks her to go with him. I love how he says he'll play for her but only if her eyes stay open!
Brie chapter 2 . 1/31/2017
You're setting me up for having major feels, and I like it :) I like how you're writing Soul and Maka's interactions, it makes them feel almost real!
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