Reviews for Heart Is Black
TeatimeTurbulence chapter 20 . 7/6
This is great! It's never too late to update again ;)
Romanceismyjam chapter 20 . 6/18
just reread your story again for the millionth time. I know it's been awhile since your last update, so I hope you are well! the day I get a notification saying this story has a new chapter might become one of my favorite days. don't give up! it's a beautiful story
fanficreader02 chapter 20 . 6/3
Love this story! I always wanted Dagny and Hvitserk together they just seem like they would be so happy with no stress which seems like something Dagny deserves
Nexadi chapter 20 . 4/29
I know i can't bribe you with flattery into writing the rest of this story. I have way too many discontinued stories myself to feel as if i have any right to tell you what to do. But, because of course there is a but, you can't write someting so good, create characters so likeable and sweet and not expect us to want to know the end of their story. This is by far the best vikings fiction ever, and one of my all time favorite of the plateform ! The way Dagny interacts with the plotline of the show and with the characters is so fun and entertaining to read. I ship her so hard with Hvitserk, whom i believe to be the best match for her, but i guess Ubbe wouldn't be so bad either. I love the moments they have, they are so true and natural. Now, i really do not like Ivar, like at all, and the more I watch the show, the less I like him. And i really don't like the thought of sweet Dagny with someone as cruel and crazy as him, even though you insist that "he would not hurt her". I just think she deserves better that a madman, however handsome or complex he may be. And Margrethe, omg, I hate her she does not even deserve to be in the same room as Ubbe. With the way the show is evolving, the relationships between Dagny and the brothers are bound to change and i think it would be a great loss, for us readers, if you don't try to write it.
Anyway, I really enjoy your writing and I hope you will continue it some day. I hope this message reaches you and makes you consider writing the next chapter even after all these years, for i am sure it would be great.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/28
Please continue!

Also... Ubbe for the win!
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 20 . 2/4
I have spent two days reading your story and I'm spellbound. Hotdamn, this story is freaking amazing, held me in its grips and I just couldn't stop reading. the characterization, the story telling and the way you were able to bring the story to life, wow, chefs kiss!

I don't think Ivar will hurt her physically, perhaps emotionally. I really want her with Ivar but I also don't mind her with Ubbe, either. Aaagghhh! I do think space from the brothers might be a good thing considering that whatever respect she had from the other men seems to have been negatively affected. Fudge. It's always women who suffer in situations such as these. So I definitely think going with Bjorn would be a good idea chapter 20 . 12/4/2019
I love this story. I come back once a month to see if you’ve updated
HellToTheNo123 chapter 17 . 9/1/2019
Hope you update soon this is my third time re-reading this story I love it
Littledot chapter 20 . 8/29/2019
I love this story! It’s my favorite Vikings story right now. I hope you are able to update.
Guest chapter 20 . 5/26/2019
Absolutely brilliant! I love this story so much!
Shantigal chapter 20 . 5/11/2019
Absolutely love this story. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/29/2019
Love this chapter! Hvitserk for the win!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/29/2019
I’m rooting for Hvitserk all the way!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
I look forward to seeing how this turns out! Hopefully Hvitserk plays a leading role as there are very few stories that feature him
ProTaggingProperly chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
Huh. Dagny will be a little naive at first? I think you just skip the rest of the Vikings plot in every episode and just drooled and fantasized about muscles. Nothing wrong with fantasizing about some men. But, you missed the historically accurate portrayal of a *family slave*.
You know, where it basically means anyone and everyone within the family can use and abuse you sexually? Some Viking family slaves can be *borrowed* by neighbors, too.
Why do you lot romanticize *slavery*?
Oh, you just write for yourself. I hope that you will not ever meet a real slaver. You might get the wrong idea as they take you to be sold. Or, meet a victim of sexual trafficking, you might give the said victim the wrong idea. Something toxic like *it is not rape if the perp is hot*.
Oh. Nothing happens to child family slaves? There are rules? Huh. Slaves were property regardless of gender. Furniture does not have rights.
Vikings, for a History Channel original, is as close as the Vikings of old lived (there were inconsistencies). Ragnar was never a good man. Heck, he was never even a good King. He was just better than the rest with songs and legends attached to him. His eldest is more famous.
You turned characters like TV-Ragnar and the rest of his dangerous family to boring characters.
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